The Power of Simplicity
Introduction Why is living today so complicated? In the past we had a lot less to worry about than we do now: –Economic chaos, climate change, divorce rates skyrocketing, prices of healthcare, housing market meltdowns and credit card debts.
Important Many people overanalyze simple problems or use fancy language to compensate for their own insecurities. Our Life and Business don’t have to be so complicated.
Main Life Complaints I am so busy. I never have any time for myself. I am always running late. I never make dinner…I make reservations. I don’t have a chance to… I am so tired I never stop running all day but I get so little done. I wish I had time to…
How to Make Life Simpler It didn’t take you a day to complicate your life so it won’t be able to be simplified in one day either. You have to work at it a little.
Simple Life - Strategies To make changes, you must first recognize your desire for change. Know your purpose: –Why are you here? What is it all about? What matters most? Family, career, money? There are no wrong answers here. When you know your purpose, that the time to write your goals: –Know what you want and go after it. –Only allow things into your life that will contribute to your goals.
Simple Life - Strategies Look at need vs. want: –Before you bring anything into your life, ask yourself if you need it or want it. One great way to implement the above tactics is to always STOP – THINK DEEPLY – THEN ACT: –This will help you to make thoughtful decisions, not impulsive decisions.
Conclusion Simplicity is a new way of sustainable and responsible living. It taps into a desire many people share - to work a bit less, to spend more time with ones family, to be richer.
Lico Reis Consultoria & Línguas P rof. Roberto Lico Reis E-books: Linkedin: Twitter: Licoreis