Important Concepts
EMST Configurations
Tabletop Exercise Configuration EMST is project on a screen and used as a discussion driver Participants are divided into role groups Participants discuss the scenario and decide what actions to take Decisions are entered into EMST. Can be paused where necessary to allow time for discussion.
Functional Exercise - Individual Single participant Simulated teammates
Functional Exercise - Team One organization One or more live participants per role, often co-located Minor roles can be simulated
Functional Exercise – Multi-Organization Multiple organizations such as State EOC and JFHQ Multiple locations Each organization will have their own After Action Report.
Hurricane Scenario Hurricane Scenario Multi-Organization Exercises FL State EOC Add Exercising Organization FL State EOC Orange Co FL Local EOC First one scheduled is “parent” Parent facilitators control the start of the exercise
Multi-Organization Exercises GA State EOC FL State EOC Orange Co FL Local EOC Some scenarios allow more than one instance of an organization Example: Pandemic – event happens in all states All instances get the same injects Some scenarios have a primary organization and support organizations Example: RDD – event happens in one state, other states support Support organizations get different injects from the primary organization GA JFHQ Parent Exercise FL State EOC GA Support State EOC Parent Exercise
Multi-Organization Exercises Available organizations are listed in the scenario description
Assessment Concrete feedback is required to build expertise Roles are assessed on doctrinally based tasks Responsibilities may overlap between team members; the assessment reveals how team members work together to achieve overall goals.
Assessment Who does it / How long do they have? Triggers Fulfillments Prompts Reminders Action Consequences Inaction Consequences Stoppers & | Doctrine is translated into Expected Actions
Assessable User Actions Communicate via Phone or Read Web Article Look at Bulletin Read an Log action Fill out meeting slide Go to meeting Check JIEE Check Tracker Send Form Answer Question
Participant Tasks When running as “novice” or “intermediate” the user will get task prompts “Expert” does not get prompts Always use “novice” mode for facilitated team exercises
Coordinating an Exercise
Participant Configuration J-Staffs and ESFs often work as a team – there is a primary and support staff Senior leadership is often reluctant to have hands on the keyboard Often a role is handled by a small team at one EMST station One participant acts as the computer operator to receive information and enter decisions Other participant(s) coordinate face-to-face with other roles. Pairings are often Junior/senior pairing Members of different shifts This is appropriate for an exercise where the participants are located in one facility
Preparing the Participants Don’t let them get “stuck in the interface” They should use the tools, software, forms, reachback capabilities, etc. that they always use Participants should bring these resources to the exercise or have them available from the exercising computer JFHQ examples: perstat, logstat forms, standing orders, secure logistics computers Civilian IC examples: radios, chem-bio handbooks, HazMat guides, identification vests
Other Coordination Considerations Support and approval from the local leadership is critical to the success of an exercise Are any other organizations participating? Supporting JFHQs Link to local or state EOC HRF, CERFP, CST elements Are any VIPs invited? Local/state emergency manager Governor/Senior government officials TAG FBI liaisons Is this a press opportunity? Is any senior leadership (TAG, government officials) interested in attending or providing opening remarks? If executing at a military installation, Sr leadership may require an in- brief (purpose) and out-brief (results)
Be Prepared to Lead Be Prepared to Lead Know the scenario to be exercised – Play through several of the roles yourself, ideally as a team (let us know if you see issues!) Know the key issues they should be addressing in each time segment Know who the key roles are (Battle Captain, EM) Be prepared to step in when necessary This is a training event – don’t just sit back and let them fail A successful event for them is a successful event for us
Be Prepared to Lead Be Prepared to Lead Points where you may need to step in Introductory remarks at the start of the exercise Lead Meetings – situation briefs, BUBs, CUBs, FUOPS Bring up command-level discussion points for meetings Control the flow of the exercise – if everyone is just sitting around, see if they are ready to fast forward to the next segment Lead the AAR If the local leadership has things in hand, then DON’T step in
Checklists On Arrival: Test the state of the scenario (can you run the scenario with all participating computers connected?) Test the streaming video Test the streaming connection in the exercise (do you get injects? Can you fast forward?) Test Forms to ensure they open (each type -.doc,.pdf,.ppt, etc) Setup user accounts for those participating (if not done previously) Test Headsets/VOIP (if using) Test projected station Is the overhead projector working? Does it have sufficient resolution to show the interface? If using TV or an individual computer to provide sound for video clips, ensure the speakers are working Ensure you can get files to a computer for emergency slides/forms uploads Create shortcut links as a convenience to the participants
Checklists Tutorial / Introductory Remarks Explain the sections of the interface: Buttons , Phone, Bulletin board, Television, Meetings, etc. Tasks and Injects “How” Button Remind them to work as a team by communicating inside and outside of the program Talk to each other When you make a decision, document it through the system
Checklists Scheduling the Exercise Remember to add a host with no roles for the overhead projector Remember to add a host for the Host / White Cell station Specify “novice” level Remember to select the county / state After the Exercise Ensure all links, shortcuts or saved files are deleted as appropriate