An Alternative to WSRF and WS-Notification: WS-Transfer, WS-Eventing, and WS-Enumeration Marvin Theimer Windows Server High Performance Computing Group Microsoft
Talk Outline WS-* protocol stack: One of main industrial Web Service protocol stacks Overview of 3 protocols that are relevant to this BoF: WS-Transfer, WS- Eventing, WS-Enumeration
WS-* Architecture Assurances Messaging SOAP WS-Security MTOMWS-Addressing Metadata WS-Policy WSDL UDDI WS-Metadata Exchange XML Schema WS-Reliable Messaging WS-Coordination WS-Atomic Transaction WS-Business Activity WS-Trust WS-Secure Conversation Profiles and Infrastructure WS-ManagementWS-Federation Devices Profile Foundation SOAP / HTTPMIME XML Infoset XML 1.0 XML Namespaces
WS-* Specification Process Specification Published Standards Org Feedback & Interop Workshops Revise / republish spec Step 2 Broader Participation Step 1 Develop Process reconciles conflicting goals Quality of engineering Time to market Breadth of industry support Step 3 StandardizationProfiles Step 4 Profiling Industry Participation
Status Assurances Messaging SOAP WS-Security MTOMWS-Addressing Metadata WS-Policy WSDL UDDI WS-Metadata Exchange XML Schema WS-Reliable Messaging WS-Coordination WS-Atomic Transaction WS-Business Activity WS-Trust WS-Secure Conversation Profiles and Infrastructure WS-ManagementWS-Federation Devices Profile Foundation SOAP / HTTPMIME XML Infoset XML 1.0 XML Namespaces Step 3-4Step 2Step 1-2
Windows Server 2003 “R2” Wave Longhorn Wave VS WSE 3.0 SOAP 1.1, 1.2 / WSDL 1.1 MTOM WS-Addressing 2004/08 (or REC) WS-Security 1.0 (U/P, X509, Kerberos) WS-Secure Conversation WS-Trust WS-Policy Limited wire interop with WSE2.0 AD Federation Services in R2 Cross-organizational Identity Federation Web SSO SQL Server 2005 SOAP 1.1, 1.2 / WSDL 1.1 WS-Security 1.0 Management WS-Management Delivering WS-* - Microsoft VS Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 2.0 Enhancements (WSE) 2.0 SOAP 1.1 / WSDL 1.1 WS-Addressing 2004/03 WS-Security 1.0 (U/P, X509, Kerberos) WS-Secure Conversation 2004/04 WS-Trust 2004/04 WS-Policy Indigo Wire-level interop with WSE3.0 plus MTOM SAML Token Profile 1.0 Security Policy WS-Federation Active Client Enables easy to build STS WS-RM 2005/02, Policy WS-AT/WS-C 2005/02, Policy WS-Policy/PolicyAttachment WS-MEX Easy to use Digital Identity Active Directory: Federation WSD API: Device Profile
WS-Policy Delivering WS-* - Industry Adoption Messaging Security Assurances Devices Mgmt Metadata WS-XFer / Enum Devices Profile WS-Addressing WS-Federation WS-SecureConv WS-Security WS-Trust WS-RM WS-AT MEX WS-Discovery WS-Management Released product Participated in interop workshop A Co-Author Only SOAP / WSDLApacheArjuna BEAA Blue Titan Cape Clear Choreology IBM IONA Microsoft Rogue Wave SAP Systinet TibcoA ApacheBEAAA CAAA DataPower IBM IONA Layer7A Microsoft NetegrityAA Nokia OpenNetworkAAA Oracle/Oblix Ping ID A RSAA SAP Systinet SUN Tibco VerisignAAA WebMethods ApacheArjuna BEA Cape Clear Canon eBay Google IBM Intel IONA Microsoft Oblix Oracle RSA SAP Systinet SUN Tibco Verisign WebMethods AMDACAA Dell Intel Microsoft NetIQ SonicA Sun SystinetA WEBM BEAABrother Canon Epson Fuji-Xerox HP Intel LexmarkA Microsoft Ricoh Systinet WebMethodsA Xerox BEAACAA IBMA Microsoft SAPA SonicA SunA VerisignA WebMethodsA
Profile Recipe: Staple, Redline, Glue “Staple” Pull relevant specs into scope “Redline” Add constraints on use of those specs “Glue” Define missing bits between specs Some will migrate back into specs SOAP 1.2WS- Addressing WS- Metadata Exchange WSDL 1.1WS- Discovery WS- Eventing ThisModel Metadata ThisDevice Metadata Action Filter Conformance Claim Policy Assertions Policy Assertions
WS-Management Consistent management of multi-vendor systems Basic operations across compliant platforms Basic operation across OS states Scale down Support low-footprint management controllers Support operations in DMZ Use firewall-friendly transports Data model neutral Map to existing Common Information Model (CIM) Support new System Definition Model (SDM) Inspection of management resources Network discovery is out of scope
WS-Management Assurances Messaging SOAP TLS MTOMWS-Addressing Metadata WSDL XML Schema Foundation SOAP / HTTPMIME XML Infoset XML 1.0 XML Namespaces WS-EventingWS-TransferWS-Enumeration BP 1.1 Sec. 4 Management Extensions CIM to XML
WS-Transfer Basic idea: Get/Put the representation of a Web Service resource Operations: Get resource representation Put Create new resource Destroy Best-effort semantics
WS-Eventing Basic idea: Service-initiated means of communication with clients Subscription operations: Subscribe subscription context RenewUnsubscribe Subscription End (abnormal termination) Notification messages Extensible set of delivery modes
WS-Enumeration Basic idea: Logical cursor for a sequence of data items Operations: Enumerate enumeration context Pull data items RenewGetStatusRelease EnumerationEnd (abnormal termination)