EDUU 551 Educational Applications of Computers Instructor: Steve Gibbs Week 4
Last week’s Index Review our case studies, textbook readings Explore Web 2.0 Create a student directory on Google Docs Textbook swap Include avatars in online profiles Build our Wiki sites Delicious links Blackboard discussions Tech Unit Outline Google Reader & RSS feeds Office Live Wordprocessing in the classroom Digital submissions – File Naming Conventions
Index for tonight Podcasting – iTunes University Cyberbullying AUPs Internet Safety Wordprocessing in the classroom Digital submissions – File Naming Conventions Tech Unit: Teacher PPT, student prototype PowerPoint presentations in the classroom
Wonders of Word Learn ways to integrate word processing into the classroom. Feature –Extended characters –Formatting options –Comments & Tracked Changes –Macros –Forms –SmartArt –Pictures and Shapes
KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS CTL + A = Select all CTL + C = Copy CTL + X = Cut CTL + V = Paste CTL + B = Boldface CTL + I = Italics CTL + U = Underline WK (Windows Key) + M = Minimize all WK + E = Open Windows Explorer WK + U = Open assistive devices ALT + TAB = Cool Switch ALT = é
Podcasts in iTunes
This is where downloaded Podcasts go on your PC Sorry, no Mac image