{ Kelly Selby
{ Word 2010 The Ribbon (new in 2007)
What’s on the Ribbon? New File Tab (replaces office button in 2007 …file menu in 2003) Many complaints in 2007 with NO “File” option so they brought it back.
What’s on the Ribbon? Tabs sit across the top of the Ribbon. Each one represents core tasks you do in a given program.
What’s on the Ribbon? Groups are sets of related commands, displayed on tabs. They pull together all the commands you’re likely to need for a type of task, and they remain on display and readily available, giving you rich visual aids.
What’s on the Ribbon? Commands are arranged in groups. A command can be a button, a menu, or a box where you enter information.
Ribbon in Office Programs Located in the same location across programs
What is new with Keyboard Shortcuts? KeyTips replace keyboard shortcuts in Word 2010.
What is new with Keyboard Shortcuts? Shortcuts that start with the CTRL key — for example, CTRL + C for copy, or CTRL+V for paste – remain the same as previous version of Word.
What is new with Keyboard Shortcuts? The new shortcuts also have a new name: KeyTips. The sequence goes like this: 1. Press ALT to make the KeyTips appear for all ribbon tabs and Quick Access Toolbar commands, as shown here. 2. Then you can press the KeyTip for the tab you want to display.
Commands only when you need them Picture tab will ONLY be displayed when the picture is selected.
More options if you need them
Preview before you select
SmartArt Graphics Help you illustrate processes and make points in a visual way.
SLO Pre-Test Post Test
Insert Screen Shot Capture a screen shot of any open window
Place Commands on the Quick Access Toolbar Right Click your mouse on the item you want to add to your Quick Access Toolbar. Click Add to Quick Access Toolbar.
Remove Commands from the Quick Access Toolbar Right Click your mouse on the item you want to remove from your Quick Access Toolbar. Click Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.
File Menu(2003) to Office Button (2007) to File Tab (2010) Word 2003 Word 2007 Word 2010
The New File Tab
New ways to Save Save to SkyDrive and you can share documents with other individuals working on the same doc. Never used it but I would image it works the same as Google Drive.
Changing File Type
Use the new features in 2010 that are not offered in previous versions. 1. Open.doc (2003).docx(2007) in Word Click File Tab 1. Save As 2. Make sure the “Save As Type” box has “.docx” selected. 3. Click OK 1. All 2010 features are now available. Why would you change file type
Guide to Ribbon Guide to Ribbon - Interactive guide for Office 2010 or 2007 Guide to Ribbon Guide to Ribbon