Bulgarian Grading: Essay style Hannah Allen
Pedagogy The method and practice of teaching
Who grades? What is your position as a teacher in terms of assessment? I write grades in the book I talk with the class teacher to give input I don’t have much control over grading Know your place- don’t get frustrated…
Be consistent All across the board
Things that have worked for me Having 1 on 1 meetings During essay or project as a check in When distributing grade Make it a process Have the project/essay be over a few weeks so that they have time to catch up Set a goal Talk to your colleagues, but not too much Clean slate
What are your expectations? Stop. Sit down. Think about your expectations. Are they realistic? Outline them from the beginning of the project/paper Give them a physical sheet to take home Upload the sheet online etc…
Try again, try again, try again Assigned an essay Assignment with physical instruction Assignment with two page instruction, spent entire class going over it, uploaded to FB group, ed and hard copy. Included detailed rubric.
Let’s share!
Rubric….How to get a ‘6’
How do you deal with late/missing papers?
How do you deal with plagiarism? The “talk”-What has worked well?
Project ideas! Different ways the world will end
Essay topics Two issues you would address in BG if you were in Gov.