1 PLC’s, MTI, and Differentiation A System for Success in Roseburg Public Schools
2 The classroom teacher monitors student achievement to determine when it is most effective to teach something. This definition fits which of the district initiatives? A.PLC (Professional Learning Communities) B.MTI (Multi-Tiered Instruction) C.Differentiated Instruction D.All of the Above
3 How does it all fit together? Pit crew= PLC team Driver=Teacher using Differentiation Vehicles= MTI System Student Track=The Road to Student Success Crowd=Parents and the Community The system, the team, and the teacher are all working toward student success using standards, assessment, and instruction.
Support for All Learners Standards: Assessment: Instruction: Unwrapping, Core Standards, aligning with curriculum, essential questions, vertical alignment Formative, Summative, Common, Universal Screening & Progress Monitoring Deprivatization of your practice, healthy core, coaching, “Best Practices”, Studio Classroom, research/evidence based curriculum, resources…..
5 Critical Questions of Teaching and Learning What exactly do we expect all students to learn? How will we know if they’ve learned it? How will we respond when some students don’t learn it? How will we respond when some students have already learned?
6 Where do they Connect? What exactly do we expect all students to learn? How will we know if they’ve learned it? How will we respond when some students don’t learn it? How will we respond when some students have already learned? Standards Core Program Alignment Documents
7 Where do they Connect? What exactly do we expect all students to learn? How will we know if they’ve learned it? How will we respond when some students don’t learn it? How will we respond when some students have already learned? Universal Screener Progress Monitoring Common Formative Assessments In-program assessments MAP and OAKS
8 Where do they Connect? What exactly do we expect all students to learn? How will we know if they’ve learned it? How will we respond when some students don’t learn it? How will we respond when some students have already learned it? Differentiation Decision rules Protocol Interventions
9 Where do they Connect? What exactly do we expect all students to learn? How will we know if they’ve learned it? How will we respond when some students don’t learn it? How will we respond when some students have already learned it? Differentiation
10 PLC Essential Characteristics (Team) Focus on learning and collaborative culture with your team Data-based decision making Action experimentation (is your system willing and able to respond) Collective inquiry into best practice and current reality MTI Fundamental Elements (System) Focus on collective responsibility and teaming as a system Universal screening and progress monitoring Systematic interventions and decision rules Healthy core program and interventions Differentiation (Individual Teacher) ¤ Focus on creating appropriately different learning experiences for each student P Apply assessment results to your instruction é Alter your content, processes, products, and learning environments n Monitor the results and begin again Improved Student Learning - The Common Thread
11 You are in the Driver’s Seat.
12 What is your role? What is the role of your team? What is the role of the system?