Delphi Evaluation Results PBA Front-End development, Spring 2013
Delphi evaluation, FEWP S13 Conducted week 20, (13.may 2013) Course has 13 students 8 students handed in an evaluation (8 students were present at the evaluation)
Delphi evaluation, FEWP A12 Positive statements (1)# Agree Interesting topics Theory & Practice Interesting topics and lessons discuss Nice content All the subjects Enough content for every lecture Good teaching in the various topics Helpful teacher, the way of teaching Patient teacher Teaching method (theory -> exercises) Good to have exercises The approach of the teacher Nice teacher Teacher Per Use metafor to make stiff knowledge interesting and easy to understand
Delphi evaluation, FEWP A12 Positive statements (2)# Agree Work together (solve problems together) The possibility to choose between attending classes and working on project 6464 Book HTML book is helpful 3333 Class starts on time Freedom 4343
Delphi evaluation, FEWP A12 Not-so-positive statements# Agree JavaScript is quite confusing topic – more and deeper explanation please We are moving too slowly Slow down a little in discussing subjects/topics Make sure everyone has followed the lessons before moving to other topic We did not have access to to watch videos related to SEO and jQuery The curriculum contains too many things – some of them are covered by Mogens Lack of interactive whiteboard The classes could start later Non-attendance on time disrupts the class – teacher should set a limit 3 Sewer at the sink smells2
Delphi evaluation, FEWP A12 Conclusions – positive – Topics are found to be interesting – You like the teacher and the teaching – Reasonable coupling between theory and practice – Flexibility is appreciated
Delphi evaluation, FEWP A12 Conclusions – ”not-so-positive” – Pace is maybe too high in some places – Curriculum could be trimmed a bit (better coordination with Mogens) – Full access to