Senior Design 1 Acoustic Art Team Popcorn Flower Team –Matthew Clark –Kyle Kearney –Jay Davis –Vincent Tilanus University of Portland School of Engineering Advisor Dr. Karen Ward Industry Representative Mr. Will French (Jive Software)
Senior Design 2 Introduction Acoustic Art will convert images to music. This will serve to create a new method for musical composition. Entering this in the Imagine Cup. University of Portland School of Engineering
Senior Design 3 Scorecard Submit a basic version of our project for Imagine Cup round 2 Finish Design Doc versions.9 and got version.95 approved Nail down design for 2 composition algorithms Determine interface between analysis and composition University of Portland School of Engineering
Senior Design 4 Additional Accomplishments Alpha Demo of project. University of Portland School of Engineering
Senior Design 5 Plans Get Design Doc version 1.0 approved. Spend Christmas with the family. Code the Naïve Pentatonic Composer and get it functioning according to specifications. University of Portland School of Engineering
Senior Design 6 University of Portland School of Engineering Milestones StatusDescriptionOriginal Target Previous Target Present Target CompletedDetermine Interface Between Image Analysis and Music Composition 11/1 CompletedSelect Two Composition Algorithms 11/6 CompletedList and Verify GUI Facilities Needed 11/10 CompletedDesign Document.911/12 11/10 MissedDesign Document.9511/19 11/23 BehindDesign Document 1.012/3 Naïve Pentatonic Composer Functional 1/24 Music Output Complete1/31 Basic GUI Created2/7 Music Theoretical Composer Coded 2/14
Senior Design 7 Concerns/Issues That Christmas break will cause us to become lax. Thus causing us to lose our momentum. Or that someone (Kyle!) spends the break trying to get us ahead on our project. University of Portland School of Engineering
Senior Design 8 Conclusions Making Music out of Art. Completed Functional Spec 1.0 Prototyped an Alpha version of our project. Submitted to but were rejected for the Fall Round to the Imagine Cup. Yay! Christmas break & sleep (hopefully) University of Portland School of Engineering