Thursday, November 6, E-Learning Objects: The Value of SCORM and MPEG-7 Packaging for Digital Media Assets Interactivity Cesar Bandera, Director of R&D TRACK 3: TEACHING AND LEARNING Thursday, November 6, :45 am – 12:35 pm Room 303B
Thursday, November 6, Acknowledgements This work is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (DMI ) Copyright Creneaux This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Thursday, November 6, Why Discuss Interactivity? Retains attention and improves recall Some subjects cannot be taught without it But first, a review of the two kinds of interactivity (from the IT point-of-view)
Thursday, November 6, Local Interactivity Learner interacts with the latest object delivered to his/her machine Involves asset in a single SCO -Java-based web experience -Flash simulation -LMS is not involved
Thursday, November 6, LMS Interactivity LMS selects the next module to be delivered based on a current assessment of learner Learning objects measure learner performance and communicate it to the LMS for assessment Without it, the learning experience is a predetermined linear sequence of modules, or governed by a table of contents This is what we are going to talk about today!
Thursday, November 6, Status of LMS Interactivity Every LMS vendor has it -Used for product differentiation -Impediment to interoperability SCORM v1.3 Working Draft has it -Based on IMS “Simple Sequencing” Specification v1.0
Thursday, November 6, SCORM 1.3 Sequencing and Navigation is Anything but Simple LMS sequences learning object delivery (need not be linear) and tailors the learner’s navigation options
Thursday, November 6, The Activity Tree is the Heart of SCORM 1.3 S&N Each leaf is associated with one SCO The rest of the tree aggregates: -Objectives -Performance assessments -Completions
Thursday, November 6, Each Activity Contains: Tracking Model -Captures information gathered from a learner’s interaction with the associated content objects. -This is a dynamic run-time (while learner interacts with a content object and the LMS) data model. Activity State Model – -Manages sequencing state of each activity in the activity tree. -This is a dynamic run-time data model utilized by LMS’s sequencing. Sequencing Definition Model – -Maps Tracking Model information to defined sequencing behaviors. -Typically, this is a static data model describing authored sequencing intentions for a given content aggregation
Thursday, November 6, We All Know the Benefits of Learning Object Metadata 1.Search & Discovery 2.Reuse 3.Outreach, Notoriety, Grant $ Can interactivity likewise be exploited? -Metadata for Sequencing Definitions -We know the cost of metadata…
Thursday, November 6, Benefits of Sequencing Definition Metadata To the Author: -Mitigates the difficulty of creating context-less SCOs To the Consumer: -Recommends an operational context for groups of SCOs -Consumer decides: smaller groups or larger groups
Thursday, November 6, MPEG-7 Can Unify the Two Kinds of Interactivity MPEG-7 is better than SCORM for multimedia asset metadata -MPEG-7 can be rolled-up to SCORM Simulations that span across multiple SCOs could benefit from a unified metadata for both simulations and sequencing: SUBOBJECTIVES
Thursday, November 6, A Multi-SCO Simulation Video game metaphor Subliminal transition between SCOs Start State End State End State End State Start State End State End State Start State End State End State End State Start State End State End State Enter Here
Thursday, November 6, Conclusion Interactivity metadata can -help instructors write small learning objects -help consumers apply learning objects well There are standards, but no enforcement (outside DoD)