1 Ongoing activities in the Czech Republic Jana Chladná National Coordination Authority The Ministry for Regional Development 7. May 2010, Budapest.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Ongoing activities in the Czech Republic Jana Chladná National Coordination Authority The Ministry for Regional Development 7. May 2010, Budapest

Presentation outline 1.Structure of NSRF 2.Activities of Evaluation plan of NSRF 3.Periodical monitoring – financial, physical (indicators) 4.Concept of evaluating physical progress 5.Illustration of selected outputs 6.Conclusion

Czech OPs Convergence Objective OP Transport (ERDF + FS) Attractive environment OP Environment (ERDF + FS) OP Enterprise and Innovations (ERDF) Competitive Czech economy OP Research and Development for Innovation (ERDF) OP HR and Employment (ESF) Open, flexible and cohesive society OP Education for Competitiveness (ESF) 7 x Regional OP (ERDF) Balanced territorial development Integrated OP (ERDF) OP Technical Assistance (ERDF) Regional Competitiveness and Employment Objective Prague – 2x OP (Competitiveness, Adaptability) European Territorial Cooperation Objective 5 Cross-border cooperation + 1 Inter-regional cooperation + 1 Supranational cooperation

Evaluation activities realized 70 evaluations (in value of 1,3 mil €) external evaluations were completed (437,5 tis. €) Presently: created by NCA - Monthly monitoring of implementation state - Quarterly analyses fullfiling rules n+2/n+3 - Physical monitoring

Thematic focus of evaluations and analyses

Evaluation activities realized 70 evaluations (in value of 1,3 mil €) external evaluations were completed (437,5 tis. €) Presently: created by NCA - Monthly monitoring of implementation state - Quarterly analyses fullfiling rules n+2/n+3 - Physical monitoring

The State of Implementation

State of thematic OPs drawing Data source: MSC2007,

State of regional OPs drawing Data source: MSC2007,

Physical monitoring CodeName of indicatorUnitBase line Target Value Commitment from beneficiaries Reached Value Length of newroads (Core 14)Km0,0168,3246,222, Length of reconstructed high speed communications except TEN-T (Core 16) Km0,085,263,629, Length of new and reconstructed roads of Class II & IIIKm0,01 360,5896,0630, Length of new roads of Class II & III (Core 14)Km0,0N/A18,66, Length of newly constructed or reconstructed cycle-ways and cycle-pathsKm0,0N/A520,6132, Increase capacities for energy production from renewable resources (Core 24)MW0,0320,63,02, Number of newly acquired environmental vehicles in the public transportation systemnumber0,0239,040,00, Number of reconstructed cultural monumentsnumber0,095126,029, Number of newly created R&D jobs (FTE) (Core 6)number0,03 610,0750,1178, Reduction of energy consumptionGJ/year0, , , ,9

11 Thematic Evaluations 07-15

Sustainable development Evaluation of int. on environmental impacts -The system of bonification for projects with positive environmental impacts was established -In context of SEA NSRF a list of 21 environmental indicators was created - Evaluation is divided into 3 phases: - evaluation of the systém evaluation of short-term results - final evaluation of positive environmental impacts Evaluation of int. on equal chances -Purposely targeted projects (ESF) -Projects with positive impacts (other OPs)

numberEnvironmental indicator (SEA NSRF)Measuring unit 1The decrease in CO2 emissionston/year 6The total length of revitalized flowmeter 8 The area of old ecologicalburdens being removed m2 9The increase of energyproduction from RESGJ/year 10Reduction of energy consumptionGJ/year 13 Area of newly created or restored public green areas ha 14 Area of revitalized unused or deprived areas (brownfields) ha 15 Investments into the public transport development mil. CZK 17Decrease of noise-load on the inhabitantsnumber people Selected Environmental indicators

Sustainable development Evaluation of int. on environmental impacts -The system of bonification for projects with positive environmental impacts was established -In context of SEA NSRF a list of 21 environmental indicators was created - Evaluation is divided into 3 phases: - evaluation of the systém evaluation of short-term results - final evaluation of positive environmental impacts Evaluation of int. on equal chances -Purposely targeted projects (ESF) -Projects with positive impacts (other OPs)

Physical monitoring - Indicators -Improvement of physical monitoring -National sourcebook of indicators -Obligatory rules for creation and using indicators -List of aggregation -Technical solution of aggregation -Automatical daily aggregation of indicators from project level has already started for 16 OPs of 17 -Indicators – evaluation of interventions efficiency

Concept of regularly provided on- going analyses/evaluations Recently a concept of possible regularly provided on-going analyses/evaluations was set up. 2 vertical levels - 1. level of NSRF - evaluation of fulfilling the objectives of NSRF - evaluation according to priorite themes - evaluation according to the geographical location (comparision of NUTS III units) – GIS data base tools - 2. level of Operational programmes - Evaluation of physical progress - individual indicators - summary evaluation of individual programmes priorite axis

Comparision of funding according to priority themes Data source: MSC2007,

Concept of regularly provided on- going analyses/evaluations Recently a concept of possible regularly provided on-going analyses/evaluations was set up. 2 vertical levels - 1. level of NSRF - evaluation of fulfilling the objectives of NSRF - evaluation according to priorite themes - evaluation according to the geographical location (comparision of NUTS III units) – GIS data base tools - 2. level of Operational programmes - Evaluation of physical progress - individual indicators - summary evaluation of individual programmes priorite axis

Comparision of funding according to geographical location Data source: MSC2007,

Concept of regularly provided on- going analyses/evaluations Recently a concept of possible regularly provided on-going analyses/evaluations was set up. 2 vertical levels - 1. level of NSRF - evaluation of fulfilling the objectives of NSRF - evaluation according to priorite themes - evaluation according to the geographical location (comparision of NUTS III units) – GIS data base tools - 2. level of Operational programmes - Evaluation of physical progress - individual indicators - summary evaluation of individual programmes priorite axis

Conclusion Analyses are used for following objectives: Identification of risks - of individual OP objectives underflow - allocation undraw (unfilling the rule n+2, n+3) Recommendation for aiming the Proposal Calls to certain activity Tools for assesment of proposed revisions of OPs Monitoring Highly developed in comparision with last programming period Centralized and determined by obligatory rules Better quality monitoring data for following evaluations

22 Thank you for your attention! Contact: Ministry for Regional Development National Coordination Authority