EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Human Resources and Mobility A Mobility Strategy For The European Research Area Sigi Gruber Unit D1 - Strategy and Policy Aspects
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Key Dates January 2000: “Towards a European Research Area” Emphasises the need for more abundant and more mobile researchers Mobility becomes an instrument for the transfer of scientific knowledge for science and society
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Key Dates Mars 2000 The Lisbon European Council: The Commission together with the Member States must take the necessary steps to remove obstacles to mobility of researchers in Europe
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Key Dates June April 2001 High Level Expert Group on Improving Mobility to Researchers Questionnaire to all the Member States about the identification of obstacles and good practices
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Key Dates June December 2002 A Mobility Strategy for the European Research Area (Com (2001) 331 final) Resolution from the Council Decision to create a “Steering Group” in February 2002 First Implementation Report about this strategy
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions A Mobility strategy for the ERA Four Categories of Obstacles to mobility: Legal and Administrative Aspects (Visa, Social Security, Taxes, Recognition of Diploma, etc) Social and Cultural Aspects The Career of a Researcher Intersectorial Mobility Academia/Industry
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions A Mobility strategy for the ERA A Researcher intends to undergo a research training period or to carry out research in another country What are the needs? What are the needs?
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions A Mobility strategy for the ERA A researcher needs to find information and assistance about: A researcher needs to find information and assistance about: * available opportunities for researchers (grants, fellowships, vacancies) * questions related to admission to the country * access to employment, social security rights and fiscal issues * aspects related to daily life (cultural issues, languages, housing, schooling ….
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Actions for the improvement of the environment for mobile researchers The Researcher’s Mobility Portal : * Job or research opportunities * Job or research opportunities at EU, international, national or sectorial level * Information relevant to mobile researchers * Information relevant to mobile researchers such as national regulations, procedures and daily life issues
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions The Researcher’s Mobility Portal
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Actions for the improvement of the environment for mobile researchers The Researcher’s Mobility Portal - Timetable: ¢ Development of Pilot Portal: October May 2003 ¢ Presentation of prototype: launching conference of FP 6 - November 2002 ¢ User trial group: February - April 2003 ¢ Information campaign: April 2003….. ¢ Launch of Pilot Portal : May 2003
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Actions for the improvement of the environment for mobile researchers The European Network of Mobility Centers Mission: To offer researchers and their families comprehensive and up-to-date information and personalised assistance in all matters relating to their professional and daily lives.
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Actions for the improvement of the environment for mobile researchers The designation of the Mobility Centers is decided in each country by the Research Ministry: Two categories: Individual Mobility Centers within each participating country the “Bridgehead Organisations”
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Actions for the improvement of the environment for mobile researchers The European Network of Mobility Centers - Timetable: Expert group: November: May 2002 The Steering Committee carried out mapping exercise at national level and identified the “bridgehead organisations” First meeting for “Bridgehead Organisations”: 6 November The structuring of the European Network is ongoing Launch of the European Network: Spring 2003
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Actions for the improvement of the environment for mobile researchers Exchanges of best practice in the field of: 4 Access to employment 4 Social security (Seminar) 4 Taxation 4 Inter-sectorial mobility work also linked to Action Plan Skills and Mobility
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Actions for the improvement of the environment for mobile researchers Condition of admission of Third Country Researchers in Europe: 4 Seminar for exchange of information/ best practice 4 Questionnaire 4 Synthesis report presented to Immigration and Asylum Committee (DG JAI) and to Mobility Steering Group (DG RTD) 4 Faster and easier procedures for entry and circulation of third country researchers and their families in Europe
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions A Mobility strategy for the ERA What else does a researcher need?
EC -DG Research Dir. D : Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions The 6th Framework Programme New financial incentives: through a successful implementation of the Marie-Curie Actions