Environment education in Malpils Secondary School, Latvia
Eco-schools program Coordinated by the Environment Foundation, representing the international Foundation for Environmental Education. Other progams –The Green Key, The Blue Falg, The young environment reporters
7 elements of the Eco schools program Eco-council School environment report School environment action plan Monitoring and evaluation Connection with the learning process Involvement of the schhol and society Environment code for the school
Eco schools program topics Waste /2010. Energy – 2011./2012. Water Transportation Healthy life style – 2008./2009. School surroundings Forests – 2010./2011. Climate changes
All are involved Environment Ministry in the Student’s Parliament For the environment responsible students in each class Students and teachers together in the eco- council Public information activities – parents and society
Comenius projects “Do it for yourself!” (Sport and healthy life style) “Class in the nature, nature in the classroom”
Our guests from other countries in Malpils
Waste sorting 4. b klase savāca 1t papīra
School surroundings
Cleaning of the school surroundings
Visiting enterprises
Snow sculptures festival “The white forest”
Activities of the projects week Ozoli Mālpils parkā Bērzs
Activities of the projects week
Exhibition of the project works
Projects week presentations about the forest (grades 5th-8th)
Paintings competition – “A good job for the forest”
Creation and testing of didactic games about nature
Study – plants growth
Study – from a seed to a flower
Study- how to identify trees in winter
Visual arts
Nature science lessons outside
Musical puppet show “Let be friends!”
Sport afternoon
CIDO juice Academy- drink juice and do gymnastics
With joy about the success to be continued