About the project
What is a simulated enterprise? Simulated enterprise (SE) Innovative and interactive teaching method To whom it is addressed? To students, before starting a carrier In what purpose? In order to develop students’ soft skill (working abilities) as well as theirs entrepreneurship spirit How is the method applied? Simulated enterprises are created in the same manner as the real companies Process and activities are simulated in a virtual network, by using the real economic, social and legal rules, applied to our country
Project “from theory to practice through simulated enterprise” Strategic project implemented by Beneficiary: National Education Ministry National Partners: Universitatea “Politehnica” din Bucureşti Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploieşti Universitatea Tehnică “Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi Universitatea “Valahia” din Târgovişte Transnational partner: ÖSB Consulting GmbH Primary target group 640 students from the 4 universities partners Secondary target group 1940 students
Why use the simulated enterprise method? General objective To develop working abilities for young people in order to have an easier transition from school to active life Specific Objective To facilitate insertion and maintenance of young graduated students on the labor market, by anticipating, as real as possible the requirements of a real job within the simulated enterprises To implement a innovative tool at university level To increase the interest of local companies in participating to the education of theirs future employees; To help students in implementing their entrepreneurial ideas.
Students benefits from participating in the simulated enterprises Work experience, similar with one gained in the real companies Development of soft skills and actual competences applicable to different occupations by exercising at least 2 real occupations during the work in SE, according to a job-rotation schedule Development of entrepreneurship abilities, and, on long term, stimulating the entrepreneur from within; Increase the degree of thir insertion and adaptation on the labor market.
Simulated enterprises network RomaniaPloiesti 90 active simulated enterprises 8 simulated enterprises 1500 students trained/year160 UPG Students More than 80 Romanian cpompanies involved in SE 1 virtual environment created by ROCT and EUROPEN 8 REAL companies involved in the process of design creation and implementation of SE Actives members of ROCT network √
THANK YOU, If you have any questions please ask me! Daniela Uta For more information about the simulated enterprises please access: