National Qualifications Framework in Romania National Qualifications Framework in Romania Challenges and Opportunities Liliana Voicu National Adult Training Board - NQA Budapest November 2008
Legal framework Regulatory texts on the institutions involved CNC/SNEE, CNDIPT, ARACIP, CNFPA/ANC, CSs, ACPART, ARACIS Regulatory texts on certification Education, CVT, non-formal/informal learning Regulatory texts on qualifications/ occupations structure COR, qualifications lists (IVET, CVT), HE National Qualifications Register
Tripartite Agreement on NQF Challenges & Opportunities Statement on voluntary cooperation SP/Gov common principles & procedures quality assurance validation of prior learning career guidance and counselling promotion of key competences NQS NQR: Institutional background NQA Sectoral Committees
Concepts – correspondence with EQF Instruments: occupational standards (CVT), training standards (IVET, CVT) Terminology differences – coherent concepts Competence units (fundamental/key, general, specific) Competence elements / competences Performance criteria Range of variables / applicability conditions Assessment guide/tests Similar approach & procedures occupational analysis involvement of SP – sectoral committees)
Qualification Levels Q level Educational Level ISCED 97 12First cycle of lyceum / arts and craft school 23Full vocational school (completion year) 34 Lyceum, Tertiary non-university ed, Postsecondary ed, Tertiary non-U ed University education, Tertiary University education 5
Q Levels 1-3
HE Qualifications Definition of U diplomas on qualification profiles (on the run - Bologna process) Methodology learning outcomes (ACPART) General competences – on the study field Specific competences – on the study programme Transversal competences Validation procedures - reference criteria fundamental professional roles (identified within occupational analysis)
Actual History Challenges &Opportunities Romania declared its voluntary commitment to assure the thorough correspondence of NQF with EQF, until The National Adult Training Board is acting as the National Authority for Qualifications (NAQ) – autonomous tripartite body, including representatives of Ministry of Education and Research and Ministry of Labour, Social Solidarity and Family. Main attributions: Ensuring NQF methodological framework at national level; Management of National Register of Qualifications (NRQ) for all qualification levels; Coordination of the Sectorial Committees (SCs), involved in validation of qualifications. The National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (NCTVETD), with attributions in qualifications’ development in VET. The National Agency for Qualifications in Higher Education and the Partnership with the Economic and Social Environment (ACPART), with attributions in qualifications’ development in HE.
Actual History Challenges & Opportunities The Tripartite Agreement was signed by the Employers’ Organisations, the Trade Unions’ Confederations and the Government’ representatives. They declared their commitment to contribute to the establishment of a coherent national qualifications system, applicable to initial and continuing vocational/ professional training, in order to assure the development and access to qualifications in conditions relevant to the labour market. 2006 – The Phare Project – Establishment of National Authority for Qualifications Europeaid/121949/D/SV/RO developed ‘methodologies’ for: - job analysis - development / definition and review of qualifications - qualifications validation - certification of qualifications and competences - development and updating the National Register of Qualifications
QFEmbodiment Project Opportunities To facilitate the comparability of Romanian NQF with other NQFs. To exchange experiences and good practices related to the creation and development processes of national and sectorial qualifications frameworks. To analyze the levels of the qualifications structures (public education, VET, HE) concerning the correlation with the EQF.
NEXT STEPS To link the national qualifications and international sectoral qualifications to the EQF. To participate in the testing of ECVET and encouraging its implementation. To implement the Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF), in order to promote a culture of the quality improvement and wider participation in the ENQA-VET network. To promote the widespread use of EUROPASS.
Thank you for your attention!! Liliana Voicu Consiliul National de Formare Profesionala a Adultilor (National Adult Training Board) Str. Valter Maracineanu, nr. 1-3, intr. 2, cam 164, sector 1 RO – Bucharest, ROMANIA Tel/fax: ,