Treaty of Greenville Native Americans surrendered most of their lands in present-day Ohio
Alien and Sedition Acts Group of laws that discouraged immigration and strengthened the Republican party
Pinckney’s Treaty Gave Native Americans the rights to use the Mississippi River and trade in New Orleans
Thomas Jefferson First secretary of state of the United States
George Washington Issued a Proclamation of Neutrality in 1793
Implied powers powers suggested but not directly stated in the Constitution
John Jay First chief justice of the Supreme Court
National debt Grew during Washington’s presidency
John Adams A federalist who served as second president of the United States
tariff Tax on imported manufactured goods
Bank of the United States Jefferson and Madison believed its creation was unconstitutional
Democratic- Republicans Disagreed with the economic policies of Hamilton
impressment Forced American sailors to serve in the British navy
XYZ affair Crisis in U.S. foreign relations with France
George Washington First president of the United States under the Constitution
Federalist Someone who supported the polices of the Washington administration
Whiskey Rebellion A mob attacked tax collectors and burned down buildings
Alexander Hamilton First secretary of the treasury
Caucuses Held by the political parties to choose candidates for office
partisan Favoring one side of an issue