Using Formative Assessment Processes to Improve Algebra and Secondary Math Preparedness and Performance The Principal’s Role
National Center for Urban School Transformation Dedicated to identifying, studying, and promoting the best practices of American’s highest achieving urban schools in a manner that supports urban districts in transforming teaching and learning.
These urban schools evidence… high proficiency rates for all groups of students high proficiency rates for all groups of students high graduation rates for all groups of students high graduation rates for all groups of students high rates of access to challenging programs for all groups of students high rates of access to challenging programs for all groups of students no disproportionate enrollments for racial/ethnic groups in special education no disproportionate enrollments for racial/ethnic groups in special education low rates of suspension/expulsion for all groups low rates of suspension/expulsion for all groups other indicators of student success/achievement other indicators of student success/achievement
In the past 5 years, NCUST has identified 48 remarkable elementary, middle, and high schools in 15 different states.
NCUST Excellence in Urban Education Award California (18) California (18) Florida (3) Florida (3) Georgia (2) Georgia (2) Illinois (1) Illinois (1) Kansas (1) Kansas (1) Maryland (1) Maryland (1) Massachusetts (1) Massachusetts (1) Michigan (1) Michigan (1) New Jersey (2) New Jersey (2) New York (4) New York (4) Ohio (2) Ohio (2) Oklahoma (1) Oklahoma (1) Pennsylvania (2) Pennsylvania (2) Texas (7) Texas (7) Virginia (4) Virginia (4)
California EIUE Winners Franklin ES (Bakersfield)Franklin ES (Bakersfield) Lawndale HS (Centinela)Lawndale HS (Centinela) Bursch ES (Compton)Bursch ES (Compton) Rancho Cucamonga MSRancho Cucamonga MS Horace Mann ES (Glendale)Horace Mann ES (Glendale) KIPP Adelante (San Diego)KIPP Adelante (San Diego) International ES (Long Beach)International ES (Long Beach) Tucker ES (Long Beach)Tucker ES (Long Beach) Edison ES (Long Beach)Edison ES (Long Beach) Signal Hill ES (Long Beach)Signal Hill ES (Long Beach) Lemay ES (Los Angeles)Lemay ES (Los Angeles) Nueva Vista ES (Los Angeles)Nueva Vista ES (Los Angeles) Montebello Gardens ESMontebello Gardens ES Harbison ES (National)Harbison ES (National) Golden Hill ES (Sacramento)Golden Hill ES (Sacramento) Kearny HS of International Business (San Diego)Kearny HS of International Business (San Diego)
Although these schools serve low-income communities with many challenges, they demonstrate strong evidence of outstanding achievement for all of the demographic groups they serve. they demonstrate strong evidence of outstanding achievement for all of the demographic groups they serve.
Why are these schools more likely to attain excellent learning results than schools with similar demographic compositions?
In these schools, principals lead in ways that promote quality teaching and learning.
And principals do so by… keeping attention focused on the level of student learning in classrooms, keeping attention focused on the level of student learning in classrooms, supporting teachers in using formative data to monitor students’ progress towards mastery of key concepts and adjust instruction accordingly, and supporting teachers in using formative data to monitor students’ progress towards mastery of key concepts and adjust instruction accordingly, and assessing whether what is happening in classrooms is leading to better learning results for students. assessing whether what is happening in classrooms is leading to better learning results for students.
Project Leadership Meetings meetings occur quarterly meetings occur quarterly principals and other site/teacher leaders from grantee district principals and other site/teacher leaders from grantee district location of meeting rotates among district schools location of meeting rotates among district schools school leadership teams report on indicators of progress in pursuing grant milestones and improving math instruction school leadership teams report on indicators of progress in pursuing grant milestones and improving math instruction at each meeting, all participants visit classrooms at host school at each meeting, all participants visit classrooms at host school NCUST Executive Coach facilitates meetings, helping leaders learn how best to support teachers in improving instruction via MDTP and other formative assessment data NCUST Executive Coach facilitates meetings, helping leaders learn how best to support teachers in improving instruction via MDTP and other formative assessment data