Life in Massachusetts Bay Colony


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Presentation transcript:

Life in Massachusetts Bay Colony Puritans Life in Massachusetts Bay Colony Salem, Massachusetts

Puritan Family Women were responsible for making sure children grew into good Puritan adults. Puritans were strict parents who loved their children very much. They used mental discipline and love but, if it didn't work, they would use physical force. The practice of "sending out" was used. Children often were sent to stay with other families for training, discipline, apprenticeship, etc. Puritan parents were discouraged from showing affection so the children would be ready to obey God’s laws.

The Very Young and the Very Old 90% of all Puritan children had Biblical names. The most common names for boys were John, Joseph, Samuel and Josiah Common names for girls were Mary, Elizabeth and Sarah, followed by Hannah, Rebecca, Anne, Deborah, Huldah, Abigail, Rachel and Ruth. Children were often named for a previous child who had died. Puritans had great respect for the elderly. They had the best seats in the meeting house. This was because they believed that God, gave them long life for a purpose--to influence the younger generation. The Very Young and the Very Old

Title of work: The Mason Children: David, Joanna, and Abigail Puritan Children Children were expected to behave under the same strict code as the adults—doing chores and attending church services. Any show of emotion, such as excitement, fear, or anger, was discouraged Disobedience was severely punished. Children rarely played, as toys and games were scarce and Puritans saw these activities as sinful. Title of work: The Mason Children: David, Joanna, and Abigail Date of completion: 1670

Education The reason for education was religious. To become holy, they needed to read the Bible. Children were also taught to read so that they would not become barbarians and understand the laws of the colony. 1647 Massachusetts Law said that every township with 50 families had to have a teacher and that the citizens of the town had to pay the teacher’s salary. Dame School in Massachusetts These were schools run by neighborhood women who taught the basics of education to young children.

Hornbook The hornbook used by children had a sheet of paper containing the letters of the alphabet, attached to wood and was protected by a thin sheet of transparent animal horn or mica. The wooden frame often had a handle.

Government in Massachusetts Bay Colony The General Court that ran the colony was a legislature with representatives who made laws. Each town sent two representatives to the Court. Government leaders had to be Puritans. Only white, male church members who owned property could vote. Bad Puritans went to the stocks. How embarrassing!

Some Crazy Laws One law forbade the wearing of lace. It was against the law for a man to wear long hair, or to smoke in the street. A young man could not date a young lady without the consent of her parents. A man was not permitted to kiss his wife in public. Captain Kimble, returning from a three-years' ocean voyage, kissed his wife on his own doorstep and spent two hours in the stocks.

Going to Church the Puritan Way Church services were held in the meetinghouse which was also used for town meetings. Sunday mornings the minister would give a sermon that lasted for hours. Sunday afternoon, back to the meeting house for more services. In the winter the meetinghouse was freezing so you might bring a warming box to keep your feet warm. Or you might bring your dog for the same purpose. A replica of a 17th-century Puritan Meeting House at Danvers, Massachusetts Charlie would not be very good in church. Warming box for coals to warm Puritan feet.

Don’t Misbehave During Church Services! Using this "staff,“ a church official would poke anyone misbehaving in church. In this illustration, the boy is being punished for turning around to talk to his friend.

Salem Witch Trials - 1692 What do you think? Watch the clip and see for yourself.