Do you believe in this? Due to its very nature, the Internet is NOT a safe or secure environment. It is an ever-changing medium where anyone and everyone can voice their opinions, share their ideas, demonstrate new technologies, publish software applications, and connect with others.
QUESTIONS Why is there a need for cyber ethics? How can learning cyber ethics change the way students use the internet? What influences lead an individual to perform unethical acts or participate in cybercrime activities? How can parents and educators know what students are doing in the internet?
Definition is a code of behavior on the Internet. study of ethics pertaining to computer networks, encompassing user behavior and what networked computers are programmed to do, and how this affects individuals and society.
Cyber Ethical Questions Include "Is it OK to display personal information about others on the Internet (such as their online status or their present location via GPS)?” "Who owns digital data (such as music, movies, books, web pages, etc.) and what should users be allowed to do with it?"
Cyber Ethical Questions "Is access to the Internet a basic right that everyone should have?"
PRIVACY Warren and Brandeis defined privacy as "central to dignity and individuality and personhood. Privacy is also indispensable to a sense of autonomy. there should be an area of an individual's life that is totally under his or her control, an area that is free from outside intrusion.
PRIVACY It has three elements: secrecy (protection of personalized information from being freely distributed), anonymity (protection from undesired attention), and solitude (lack of physical proximity of an individual to others)" (Gavison, 1984)
ISSUES Credit card information, social security numbers, phone numbers, mothers' maiden names, addresses and phone numbers freely collected and shared over the internet may lead to a loss of Privacy.
ISSUES Fraud and impersonation Identity theft typically in order to access resources or obtain credit and other benefits in that person's name
RECOMMENDATIONS Exclude sensitive unique identifiers from database records such as social security numbers, birth dates, hometown and mothers' maiden names. Exclude phone numbers that are normally unlisted.
Private Data Collection Data warehouses are used today to collect and store huge amounts of personal data and consumer transactions.
ISSUES Personal information can be gathered from corporate websites and social networking sites to initiate a reverse lookup. SOLUTION: LifeLock and JPMorgan Chase have begun to capitalize on selling identity theft protection insurance.
PROPERTY One philosophy of the internet is centered around the freedom of information.
ISSUES The controversy over ownership occurs when the property of information is infringed upon or uncertain.
Intellectual Property Rights Rights given to persons over the creations of their minds. They usually give the creator an exclusive right over the use of his/her creation for a certain period of time.
ISSUES The emergence of compression technology like NAPSTER and communications protocol like BITTORRENT. Supporters of restrictions on file sharing argue that we must protect the income of our artists and other people who work to create our media.
ISSUES Software Ownership closed source software distributed under restrictive licenses or for free and open source software (Freeman & Peace, 2004).
SECURITY Establish rules and measures to use against attacks over the Internet.
ISSUES Is it better to protect the common good of the community or rather should we safeguard the rights of the individual? identity theft, cyber crimes and computer hacking.
Accessibility, Censorship and Filtering small to large scales, whether it be a company restricting their employees' access to cyberspace by blocking certain websites or on a larger scale where a government creates large firewalls which censor and filter access to certain information available online frequently from outside their country to their citizens and anyone within their borders
EXAMPLE Golden Shield Project, also referred to as the Great Firewall of China, a censorship and surveillance project set up and operated by the People's Republic of China.
Freedom of Information the freedom to seek, obtain and impart information brings up the question of who or what, has the jurisdiction in cyberspace. is commonly subject to limitations dependant upon the country, society and culture concerned.
GAMBLING Due to its controversy gambling is either banned or heavily controlled on local or national levels.
ISSUE Between these extremes lies a multitude of opinions on what types of gambling the government should permit and where it should be allowed to take place.
ASSIGNMENT Practice using Cyber Ethics in and out of the school premises.