1 Marketing Communications An Introduction
2 Marketing Communications Defined The coordination and integration of all promotion tools and sources within an organization to maximize the impact on consumers and other end-users at minimal costs.
3 F I G U R E 1. 4 Components of Promotion ProductPricePromotionDistribution AdvertisingSales PromotionsPersonal Selling Database Marketing Direct Marketing Sponsorship Marketing Internet Marketing Public Relations
What’s Happening? Hey Denton, For any of your Marketing courses...if it hasn't already been discussed: and-Services/Mobile-Phones/ci.Motorola-DROID-US-EN.vertical Wish I could be there. Erin 4
5 Development of information technology Changes in channel power Increase in competition (global competitors) Maturing markets Brand parity Integration of information by consumers Decline in effectiveness of mass media advertising Factors Affecting the Value of IMC Programs
6 Which advertisement attracts your attention the most? Which advertisement is the least appealing? How important is the brand name in each ad? What is the message of each individual advertisement? What makes each advertisement effective? What are the pros and cons of each advertisement? E X H I B I T Shoe Advertisements Skechers ( New Balance ( Reebok ( Asics (
7 Communications Theory In order to understand marketing communications, one must not only understand marketing, but also understand some elements of communication theory. Communication defined - the process by which individuals share meaning.
8 Information Information is what is exchanged in the communication process Information is described as a one-way process, whereas the communication process is regarded as two-way, a dialogue Why do we try and obtain information before making a purchase? A receiver-orientated view defines information as the “reduction of uncertainty” (Wersig 1974:73)
What’s Happening? Here is a link to some new products coming on in 2010: es/syfyces.html 9
10 The Power of Information Certain communication initiatives are “better” at eliciting information – i.e, personal selling, and forms of direct marketing and direct response marketing Information is obtained through mutuality, sharing with other consumers – i.e., impact of word of mouth communications, and consumers knowledge and interactions. Information is key to influencing and determining consumer choice decisions.
11 Communication Process: a linear model Sender Encoding Channel Decoding Receiver Noise Feedback
12 F I G U R E 1. 2 Communication Noise in Television Advertising
13 Advertising Clutter How many ads were you exposed to during the last 24 hours from the following media? Television Radio Magazines Newspapers Billboards Internet Web sites How many ads can you recall from each of the above media? Discussion Slide
14 Kelman’s model of Message Source characteristics These characteristics influence what we see, what we choose to see and listen to. Source Credibility Source Attractiveness Source Power
15 Source credibility Refers to the extent that receivers perceive the source as able and willing to give an objective opinion.
16 Source attractiveness Occurs when the receiver identifies some type of relationship with the source and therefore adopts a similar position.
17 Source power This is said to be present when the source of a message is able to reward or punish.
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