JUSTICE FOR ALL*? Post-Ferguson analysis reveals race and gender of elected prosecutors nationwide
Increase the power of women and people of color in American public life. Conduct research to track and understand racial and gender representation in our political system. Raise awareness about the racial and gender imbalance of our political system. Demonstrate the policy impact of that imbalance. Address the structural barriers that prevent us from achieving a reflective democracy. REFLECTIVE DEMOCRACY GOALS & ACTIVITIES
Released research revealing the race and gender of 42,000 elected office holders in the U.S. from the President down to the county level (available at WhoLeads.Us). Created the National Representation Index, an interactive tool that calculates the level to which white men hold greater power than other groups in each state. Conducted a national opinion survey that showed that a bi- partisan majority of the electorate supports measures to bring more women and people of color into political leadership. Funded the Reflective Democracy Innovators, awarding grants to six projects that are directly addressing the structural barriers to reflective democracy. REFLECTIVE DEMOCRACY CAMPAIGN MILESTONES
There are a total of 2,437 elected prosecutors in the United States. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: Review of voter files Review of publicly accessible information Direct outreach to officials to ensure the accuracy of their findings
OTHER KEY FINDINGS 3/5 of states, including Illinois, have no elected Black prosecutors. In 15 states, all elected prosecutors are white, including Washington with 39 elected prosecutors and Tennessee with 31. All but one of Missouri’s 113 prosecutors are white. Outside of Virginia and Mississippi, only 1% of elected prosecutors are Black. Mississippi and Virginia have the highest concentration of Black prosecutors, together accounting for more than half (33) of the 61 Black prosecutors nationwide. White men make up less than 50% of elected prosecutors in only one state (New Mexico). While Latinos make up 17% of the U.S. population, they are only 1.7% of elected prosecutors. There is only one state (Maine) where the percentage of women prosecutors matches their percentage of the population (50%).
Ronald Wright, a professor at Wake Forest University School of Law, found in a 2012 study that 85% of America’s incumbent prosecutors run unopposed in elections.