Total Population
Change in Population 1990 to 2012
Median Age of Population
2012 Population by Age Group HamiltonWrightState of IowaUnited States 19 and Under25.8%25.4%26.5%26.3% 20 to 244.7%4.8%7.2% 25 to %9.9%12.7%13.5% 35 to %10.6%11.7%12.9% 45 to %13.6%13.8%14.1% 55 to %14.4%12.8%12.3% 65 and Over18.9%21.2%15.3%13.7% Total100.0%
Diversity - % of Population Non-White
Diversity - % of Population Hispanic or Latino
Diversity - % of Total Population Foreign Born
Educational Attainment HamiltonWrightState of IowaUnited States Less than High School10.6%11.9%9.3%14.2% High School Graduate37.9%39.0%33.2%28.3% Some College24.0%23.5%21.9%21.3% Associate's Degree10.8%10.6%10.3%7.7% Bachelor's Degree13.0%10.2%17.5%17.9% Graduate/Professional Degree3.7%4.8%7.8%10.6% Total100.0%
Median Household Income
Households by Income Distribution
Personal Income Derived from Nonfarm Proprietors' Income
% of Personal Income Derived from Nonfarm Proprietors' Income
% of Laborshed Survey Respondents in 2013 Interested in Starting a Business County Number of Individuals % of Respondents from County Hamilton2013.5% Wright2011.8%
Demographics of Laborshed Survey Respondents Interested in Starting a Business 57.5 percent male 18.7 percent of males interested in starting a business 8.8 percent of females interested in starting a business 78.3 were currently employed 32.5 percent have at least a BA & 17.2 percent have completed Associate Degree, Vocational Training or Trade Certificate AgePercent Under 305.0% 30 to % 40 to % 50 to % 60 to % Total100.0% Average age of 48.0 years old / Median age of 50 years old Respondents age 18 to 64
Obstacles to Starting Business Identified by Laborshed Respondents Interested in Starting a Business Access to start up funds (43.5%) Time (10.9%) Risk (6.5%) Tax laws/regulatory laws (6.5%) Human Resources/hiring procedures (4.3%) Location for business (4.3%) Insurance issues (4.3%) Development of a business plan (2.2%) Expertise in marketing (2.2%)