1 Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) Lars Jørgen Lillehovde Jo Grimstad Bang Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)


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Presentation transcript:

1 Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) Lars Jørgen Lillehovde Jo Grimstad Bang Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

2 Background –Distributed Data Structures –Chord, CAN, Pastery, Tapestry –File Sharing Networks –1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd Generation Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

3 Overlay networks –Network on top of another network –Provide extra functionality –E.g. Dial-up Internet, VPN, TOR –Bootstrapping node Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

4 Hash table –Key-value pair Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) KeyValue Key1Value1 Key2Value2 Key3Value3

5 Node 2 Node 1 Hash table –Hash table divided on several nodes Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) KeyValue Key 1-1Value 1-1 Key 1-2Value 1-2 Key 1-3Value 1-3 KeyValue Key 2-1Value 1-1 Key 2-2Value 1-2 Key 2-3Value 1-3 Node 3 KeyValue Key 3-1Value 3-1 Key 3-2Value 3-2 Key 3-3Value 3-3

6 Structure –Key space partitioning –Consistent hashing –Overlay network structure Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

7 Chord –The chord ring: modulo 2^m Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

8 Chord –Each node has a determined place within the ring –A node has a successor and a predecessor –A node stores the keys between its predecessor and itself –A routing/finger table is used to keep track of the other nodes Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

9 Chord Example: Node 8 Key space Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

10 Chord –Each node contains a routing table with at most m entries –For j = 1,m -> entry: p+2^(j-1) to closest successor node –Checks if k is found between n and successor of n. If not forward the request to the closest node preceding n –Each node knows a lot of nearby nodes, and a little about far away nodes –The target node will eventually be found after at most (log n) steps Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

11 Node 8 Chord Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) jMaps toReal Node 1x+1N14 2x+2N14 3x+4N14 4x+8N21 5x+16N32 6x+32N42

12 Chord Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

13 Functionality –DHT Optimalization –Degrees –Hops –Churn –Replication Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

14 Overlay networks in practice –Overlay network definition: Network built on top of another network. –Overlay network examples: – IntServ (Integrated services) – DiffServ (Differentiated services) – IP Multicast – + Improved quality of service – - Require modification Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

15 Overlay networks in practice –DHT –Peer-to-peer protocols: – Freenet – I2P – Gnutella – A file sharing network An open protocol used by several clients The most popular file sharing network on the Internet (as of 2007, 40% share) Example client: LimeWire Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

16 Overlay networks in practice Gnutella –“Pong” packets – Responses to Ping packets – Pong-caching –Floodsearching – Older Gnutella versions only – Bad scalability – Newer versions: No query flooding Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

17 Overlay networks in practice LimeWire –A Gnutella client (became free and opensource in 2001) –LimeWire uses the BitTorrent protocol and the Gnutella network Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

18 Example application: DHT in LimeWire –... Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

19 Protocols and their implementations –DHTs facilitate complex services and systems: – Distributed file systems – P2P file sharing – Content distribution services – Cooperative web caching – Multicast and anycast – Domain name services – Instant messaging Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

20 Protocols and their implementations Some overlay network implementations: – CAN (Content Addressable Network) – Chord – Kademlia (most used DHT, used by BitTorrent and Gnutella) – Pastry – P-Grid – Tapestry The figure illustrates Chord network topology: Bold - The first four implementations (2001) Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

21 DHT example application BitTorrent –BitTorrent is the most videly used P2P protocol that supports DHT –One user needs to act as the file-provider – Providing a “seed” –.torrent file with metadata –Peers receives different piece of the file – Initial user is relieved – Peer-to-seed shifts – “Swarm” – BitTorrent tracker assists –Hash has to be known Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

22 –... Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) DHT example application BitTorrent

23 DHT Benefits and Limitations Some wanted properties: Fault-tolerance Locating objects (and quick retrieval) Scalability Incremental deployment Availability and performance (efficiency) Load balancing Data integrity (and quick data storage) Redundancy (replication) Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

24 DHT Benefits and Limitations –DHTs work well when executed as intended –Security limitations Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

25 DHT Security Considerations –Assumption of trusted nodes! – Behaviour inconsistencies –Peer-to-peer systems must operate even with malicious participants –Anonymity less important in DHTs –Malicious participants – Nodes with malicious intends –Several known DHT attacks – Missing DHT security considerations Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

26 DHT Security Considerations The «Sybil» attack... Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

27 DHT Security Considerations –«Eclipse» attack – Isolation from benign nodes – “Eclipsed” node –Sybil and Eclipse attacks facilitate other attacks: – Routing attacks Incorrect lookup routing Incorrect routing updates Partitioning - “bootstrapping node” – Storage and retrieval attacks Usage of replicas Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

28 DHT Security Considerations Other types of attacks –Inconsistent behaviour – Malicious nodes behaving like benign ones –Overload of targeted nodes (DoS) –Rapid joins and leaves –Rebalancing requires traffic –Joins and leaves in file sharing systems –Unsolicited messages – Use digital signatures or MACs – Use random nonce (preferably) Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

29 Questions? –Distributed –Hash –Tables Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)