FEDER EPPCN·EPPOG and Portugal -Autumn Meeting 2008 CERN, Geneva,CH 03/10/08 Maria Abreu, Pedro Abreu, Sofia Andringa, Luísa Arruda, Fernando Barão, Gaspar Barreira, Nuno Barros, João Carvalho, Catarina Espírito Santo, Ana Farinha, João Gentil, Agostinho Gomes, Patrícia Gonçalves, Amélia Maio, Luís Mendes, Lina Moniz, Paulo Moniz, António Onofre, Paulo Parada, Luís Peralta, Rui Pereira, João Pina, Robertus Potting, Catarina Quintans, Paulo Sá, Helena Santos, Sandra Soares, Bernardo Tomé, Sara Valente
Summary v CERN’s EPPCN and Education Programs v EPPOG based activities and resources v Implications for us in Member States v Results for HEP in Portugal, and coming next in Portugal wrt HEP/ApP Outreach Oct 3 rd, 2008Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Autumn’08, Geneva,.ch2/10 Some thoughts on
CERN’s based Communication v EPPCN – European Particle Physics Communication Network the ‘EPPOG – equivalent’ for press offices, media contacts, science communicators, etc... the way for CERN based communication to reach a bit further/deeper into countries other than UK/US + h.c. 9/10 – a Big Success (not all and only EPPCN) v ASPERA Outreach – OR for Astroparticle Physics Oct 3 rd, 2008Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Autumn’08, Geneva,.ch3/10 Launched in 2006 by CERN Council Our hook into CERN inner Press Office
CERN’s based Education v Summer students 2 paid months in summer lots of work, lots of learning, lots of parties true peace and collaboration culture build-up v CERN Trainees 1-2 years of training go back to home country to start-up a business, etc... selected graduates – engineers, physicists, etc specialization and integration into teams lots of work, lots of learning (no parties(?)) funded by member state – thus number limited by funds [mostly] Oct 3 rd, 2008Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Autumn’08, Geneva,.ch4/10
CERN’s based Education v Teachers Programs HST – High School Teachers at CERN 3 weeks vacation time in summer international group X very few opportunities per country (relatively) Weekend Teachers Workshop 3 days in March international group X Very short and intense, very few opportunities per country National Teachers Program 1 week working time outside scholar calendar One language, easily accessible Many opportunities per country Build a Database of Contacts Oct 3 rd, 2008Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Autumn’08, Geneva,.ch5/10 Not much feedback No feedback VERY IMPORTANT!
EPPOG Activities and Resources v Masterclasses [the most proeminent EPPOG activ.] Now a major event Getting international (out of Europe) Engaging impressive #s of teachers/students v Resources Its members – this forum to exchange ideas People – Scientists, Teachers, Students Contacts – Schools, Society at local level Hardware – Detectors, Posters, Ideas, etc. Oct 3 rd, 2008Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Autumn’08, Geneva,.ch6/10
And us in Member States? v Have representatives nominated for these boards It is a 2-way communication system Support the participation of the representatives or their deputies in the meetings It is important that people exchange what’s happening v Make the support to [ALL] these boards They are complementary – and all needed They can collaborate – and help promoting each other Support the work back home – Promoting scientific literacy is a gain for everyone Oct 3 rd, 2008Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Autumn’08, Geneva,.ch7/10
Interplay EPPCN/EPPOG v EPPCN has the story, provides the news tries that the story is interesting enough to motivate the media, engages the media in member states v EPPOG has the contacts, spreads the news tries that scientists spread correctly the story and the news to their contacts – hundreds in schools, and through these, their students v Interplay between both is crucial and should be constantly happening (as in.pt) Oct 3 rd, 2008Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Autumn’08, Geneva,.ch8/10
Results for HEP and ApP in.pt v CERN’s Portuguese Teachers Program Had a large impact (2 nd time consecutively) 242 candidates for 45 teachers (+1 from Brasil!) ++Activities at schools (out of these contacts) v 9/10 – had a huge impact Cover pages, news start on major prime time news Longer programs, prepared with particle physicists CERN Press Office provided the video feed, and it was put on a forum of a major newspaper that served as a portal for questions (answered by scientistis) Oct 3 rd, 2008Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Autumn’08, Geneva,.ch9/10
Near future for HEP/ApP OR.pt v Space week (next week) + seminars at schools v National Science Forum (from ‘Ciência Viva’) – 2 d. v Exhibition with Astroparticle Physics/Cosmic Rays at a Science Centre (of the 3 rd city in.pt –300k p.) v Auger Inauguration – November 14 th – 15 th, 2008 v Masterclass with Auger public events – in autumn? Oct 3 rd, 2008Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Autumn’08, Geneva,.ch10/10