1 York Primary Strategy... putting children first, helping schools improve The CYC Primary Mathematics Team Mathematics CSG Thursday 4 th February 2010
2 York Primary Strategy... putting children first, helping schools improve The CYC Primary Mathematics Team Objectives CPD updates To share new resources APP update Leading teachers
3 York Primary Strategy... putting children first, helping schools improve The CYC Primary Mathematics Team CPD Updates Day 2 Year 1/6 centre-based training Dates: Year 1 23 rd or 24 th February Year 6 17 th or 24 th March Gap task Whole school CPD Subject Leaders’ conference Date: Thursday 25 th March NB Change of venue
4 York Primary Strategy... putting children first, helping schools improve The CYC Primary Mathematics Team Numbers and Patterns: laying foundations in mathematics EYFS and lower KS1 Planning for mathematics provision Securing key mathematical ideas Strong focus on number (counting) Developing understanding of patterns
5 York Primary Strategy... putting children first, helping schools improve The CYC Primary Mathematics Team Moving on in Mathematics: Narrowing the Gaps
Every Child Matters Every Child Matters Equally
Performance gap between advantaged and more disadvantaged pupils little changed in 10 years. UK ‘gap’ steeper and wider than any other developed country. Those who do least well – poorer white boys, mixed race and black Caribbean boys, Irish travellers.
National FSM/non FSM Key Stage 1 FSM 69% in reading (84%) 65% in writing (81%) Key Stage 2 FSM 63% in English (83%) 58% in Mathematics (79%) 73% in Science (89%) GCSE 21% (A*-C) 59%
Poverty (and social class) matters Despite all efforts, UK has one of the strongest links between circumstances into which a child is born (socio-economic group) and their adult outcomes. The lower the social economic group, the higher the risk of poor outcomes. ‘Poor’ circumstances, leading to poor qualifications, transmits poverty across generations.
12 York Primary Strategy... putting children first, helping schools improve The CYC Primary Mathematics Team APP Update 2009 –10 Embed through subject leaders, all centre-based CPD and support CSG’s 2010 –11 Schools share and lead practice Lead schools for APP in mathematics (Gordon Pearce acting as gatekeeper): Carr Infants – KS1 only Our Lady’s RC Dunnington St Paul’s CE St Mary’s CE Headlands – App Tracker Wheldrake Clusters of schools
13 York Primary Strategy... putting children first, helping schools improve The CYC Primary Mathematics Team Leading Teachers Five identified Inreach / outreach Trialling new materials