North America: Culture Characteristics
Colonized by the Europeans The Spanish colonized Florida, Texas, and California The English colonized the East Coast The French colonized Canada down to New Orleans
Multicultural Society A society that consists of many different cultures and ethnic groups The population of the United States is very diverse People come from many different countries to live in the United States Most of the population are of European origin 63% White 12% Black 17% Hispanic 8% Other There are not as many cultures or ethnic groups in Canada 80% Canadian by birth 23% of French origin 6% African, Asian and Arab
Population Distribution by Race and Ethnicity
Income Gap A gap between the rich and poor based on their income. The United States has one of the widest income gaps of any high income nation today!
High Literacy Rates North America has a high literacy rate What does that mean? The percentage of people who are able to read and write
High Standards of Living What does it mean for a country to have a high standard of living? Factors Income Quality and availability of education Cost of goods and services Quality and affordability of housing Hours of work required to purchase necessities GDP Affordable/free access to healthcare
NATO North Atlantic Trade Organization 28 member countries United States, Canada, Turkey, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Portugal etc. Established after WWII as part of the UN Primary purpose to defend member nations against the large number of troops in pro- communist countries