Business Gateway Start up and development support for businesses in Glasgow MGatWork visit, 27 August 2014
The overview The meaning of the abbreviations are on the next slide
Abbreviations of the previous slide SCOT GVT SE = Scotland Enterprise Has to fit governmental key sectors LA = Local Authority GCC ED (council Economic Developemnt BG = Business Gateway DEG = Digital Enterprise Glasgow (incubators are also here) J+B = Jobs and Business Glasgow SU = Start Up team GT = Growth team ENT=Entrepreneur Variety of services available via SE BG = totally free SE = 30% funded of those services. ENT can decide himself he wants to work with (e.g. marketing expert, etc. Appraisal needed by LA, so they can not ask a friend. Some products 100% funded (e.g. strategy workshops, marketing-development, innovation, business process, IT). On strategic level, not implemental level. BG are not for the funding, but for advising GT: 4 advisors. In total 12 advisors Shift to growth, redesign the model towards acceleration that. Deal with individuals, only 10 high growth.