Coot Tools for Model Building and Validation Aug 2005 Firenze Coot Tools for Model Building and Validation Paul Emsley University of York
Coot Molecular Graphics application Protein Crystallographic model-building tools An implementation of several of the ideas in: O (A. Jones) Quanta (T. Oldfield) Xfit [XtalView] (D. McRee) Free Software GUI design considered important
Components Clipper Mmdb GTk+ GSL Guile/python GNU Auto tools OpenGL Eugene Krissinel’s coordinate library GTk+ GSL Guile/python scripting GNU Auto tools portability OpenGL
Stuart McNicholas Alexei Vagin Eugene Krissinel Kevin Cowtan
Diamond, R. (1971). Acta Cryst. A Real Space Refinement Diamond, R. (1971). Acta Cryst. A 27, 436-452. Major feature of Coot Gradient minimizer (BFGS derivative) Based on mmCIF standard dictionary Minimizing bonds, angles, planes, non-bonded contacts, torsions, [chiral volumes] Provides “interactive refinement” Different minimizer to Refmac… …means “nice & tight” geometry Chi squareds
Refmac Dictionary CIF formatted organized storage of chemical prior knowledge Alexei Vagin
Some more Coot Tools…
Top500-based distribution
SSM SSM (Secondary Structure Matching) Made available as a web service (MSDFold) Or as an application library Under the GNU LGPL by Eugene Krissinel at EBI
1plu vs. 1dab
Handling NCS…
Feature Integration Refinement Validation External Internal e.g. REFMAC Internal External e.g. MolProbity
Validation Tools Geometry Distortion Bonds, Angles, Planes B-factor variance Density Fit Water check By distance/map density/B-factor By difference map variance Un-modelled density blobs
Torsion-based Validation Ramachandran Plots Omega distortion Rotamer analysis
Nomenclature correction (fix-nomenclature-errors 1)
Ramachandran Plot for residues with CB
Ramachandran Plot for GLY
Ramachandran Plot for PRO
(with the assistance of Ethan Merritt) Raster3D The “render-image” function provides output for raster3d’d render … and then runs it… … and displays the final image… (with the assistance of Ethan Merritt)
Moving towards…. …an intuitive and powerful tool For analysis (validation) And correction (model-building) I want Coot to be used productively And provide an enjoyable experience Available for PC GNU/Linux, Windows, Macintosh, sgi IRIX
Acknowledgements Kevin Cowtan Eleanor Dodson Keith Wilson Libraries, dictionaries Alexei Vagin, Eugene Krissinel, Stuart McNicholas Dunbrack, Richardsons Coot testers William Scott, Ezra Peisach, Bernhard Lohkamp York YSBL, Dundee, Glasgow Coot Mailing List subscribers or Google: Emsley Coot