Birmingham Irradiations and Charge Collection Measurements Anthony Affolder, Paul Dervan The University of Liverpool, UK ATLAS12 Sensor Testing Meeting 24/06/141
Birmingham Irradiations For previous irradiations at Birmingham at the highest beam currents (1 A), the sensors reach about C° Lower currents (.5 A), sensors stay below 80 C° Implies we have to replace a number of pieces in current studies Need to figure out what we want to replace ATLAS12 Sensor Testing Meeting 24/06/142
Barrel Irradiations surface measurements ATLAS12 Sensor Testing Meeting 24/06/143 PTP, C int, R int … Each cell has a BZ3C and a BZ3F, both slim and standard edge SourceFluenceTest Site B'ham1.00E+12GlasgowLancasterUCSC B'ham5.00E+12GlasgowLancasterUCSC B'ham1.00E+13GlasgowLancasterUCSC B'ham1.00E+14GlasgowLancasterUCSC B'ham1.00E+15GlasgowLancasterUCSC B'ham5.00E+15GlasgowLancasterUCSC Low Beam Current High Beam Current We do not have enough standard edge device to repeat study; not sure if it is of interest, if slim is ok. Are we still interested in C vs F for PTP structures? If so, reduces parts available for other studies. Assume we need 3 of each fluence/C-F set for cross- checking any unusual results
Barrel Irradiations Charge Collection ATLAS12 Sensor Testing Meeting 24/06/144 Charge Collection tests on standard BZ3C SourceFluenceTest Site B'ham5.00E+14LiverpoolSheffieldLjubljana B'ham1.00E+15LiverpoolSheffieldLjubljana B'ham2.00E+15LiverpoolSheffieldKEK B'ham5.00E+15LiverpoolSheffieldKEK Mixed5.00E+14GlasgowDESYValencia Mixed1.00E+15GlasgowDESYValencia Mixed2.00E+15GlasgowDESYLiverpool Mixed5.00E+15GlasgowDESYLiverpool High Beam Current Will have to replace with slim edge devices Have added ATLAS07/12 comparisons since How many sets do we need per fluence? If believe we had 5 or 6 sets for neutrons. Limited by number of ATLAS07 left. Which fluences? We did 5e14 and 1e15 with neutrons From other measurements, we think ATLAS07 and 12 will roughly be the same after protons. Should we just do 5e14 and 1e15 now for the pairs (still do 2e15 and 5e15 for just ATLAS07) and save parts for higher fluences of neutrons?
EC Irradiations (Birmingham) ATLAS12 Sensor Testing Meeting 24/06/ types of sensors SourceFluence # done# to doTest Site B'ham5.00E+14164Freiburg B'ham1.00E+15164Freiburg B'ham2.00E+15164Freiburg High Beam Current All of these would have to be re-done. Some have been done at Karlsruhe.
Environments, settings, voltages Voltages: Pre-irradiated V in 50 V steps; Post- X-1000 V where X is lowest 100s voltage with S/N >4 Annealing: first measure with no additional annealing, then after 80 min at 60 C –Allows for untangling of unintended annealing during shipping, bonding, testing, …. Measure pre/post at the temperature needed for highest dose, highest voltage measurement planned as normalization might change (ALIVABA) –-20 C to -25 C Slide 6 Use common ALIVABA settings (Kazu.ini) which gives highest S/N with 25 ns risetime
Pre-irradiated (Normalization) Calibration inside Beetle non-optimal. Need to take raw ADC measurements and normalize to “standard candle” –Use ATLAS12A BZ3C sensors –Each Alibava card (or new Beetle) needs to be normalized Signal plateau (400V-600 V) average set to expected charge for thickness –N=t/3.7*[ ln(t)] from H. Bischsel, “Straggling in thin silicon detectors”, Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 60, No. 3, 663 (July 1988). Edge-TCT and CV measurements both consistent with 302 m thickness for ATLAS12A –23105 e - expected charge Slide 7
Charge Collection Spreadsheet I’ve still haven’t made a common excel file for comparisons. Will try to finish this week. Sorry. – Idea would be a new column per measurement where you input the e- /ADC for the card used Second page will have table to make calibration constant calculations for cards. – What info would be useful in the “header” of the measurements? Site, board, part, pre/post-annealing, source, fluence, temperature, gain We need an agreed upon common error. – Never completed this. We need to get a defendable error from somewhere – In the past, it was a 4% relative error from normalization and a 500 e- run-to-run variation in fit value – Neither shown in pre-irradiated measurements ATLAS12 Sensor Testing Meeting 24/06/148