The Sparks Fly by Ruth Ashby dissolve retirement inefficient vents charged demonstration donors electrocuted attracted insulators patent uproariously
dissolve – v. to mix into a liquid
retirement – n. – the act of taking oneself away from a job or occupation; quitting your job forever usually because you’re getting older.
inefficient – adj. not offering good use of money or time
vents – n. plural of vent: an opening through which a gas passes
charged – v. past tense of charge: to fill with electricity
demonstration – n. something that explains, proves, or shows something very clearly.
donors – n. plural of donor: a person who gives something
electrocuted – v. past tense of electrocute: to kill by means of a very strong electric shock
attracted – v. past tense of attract: to cause to come near
insulators – n. plural of insulator: a material that does not carry an electric charge
patent – v. to obtain the exclusive right to an invention; no one else can claim he/she invented it
uproariously – adv. noisily, loudly
Preparing to Read Line 1 – earthquakes fireplace loudspeaker windshield Line 2 – person man inventor Ben Franklin These are compound words. Can you tell an open compound word? Can you name a hyphenated compound? These words show levels of specificity. They go from general to specific. Let’s make a new specificity chain.
Preparing to Read These words are regular plurals. Let’s review the rules for forming regular plurals. The prefix “in” means “not” “lacking” or “lack of” Line 3 – questions chimneys demonstrations inventions Line 4 – inefficient inexperienced incapable independence