Minnesota First Detectors Minnesota Forest Pest First Detector Program Welcome
Minnesota First Detectors Other Program Offerings Today Continuing Education: International Society of Arborist, 6.5 CEUs Minnesota Tree Inspector Recertication Society of American Foresters – Continuing Forestry Education, Category 1: 5.5 CFEs MN Logger Education Program: 8 CEUs Tree Inspector Exam- prior registration required
Minnesota First Detectors What is your vocation? A. City forester B. DNR employee C. Educator D. Other government employee E. Master volunteer F. Certified arborist G. Private tree/forestry consultant H. Other
Minnesota First Detectors Which are you? A. Became a First Detector in B. Want to become a First Detector in 2013 C. Not interested in being a First Detector
Minnesota First Detectors Why are you here: A. To volunteer to help find these species B. To learn more about these species C. To stay current on invasive species D. For my job E. Need the CEU credits F. Love the food G. Better manage my trees H. All of the above I. Other
Minnesota First Detectors What Topic Are You Most Interested In? A. Emerald Ash Borer B. Gypsy Moth C. Asian Longhorned Beetle D. Brown Marmorated Stink Bug E. Thousand Cankers Disease F. Imprelis damage G. Oriental Bittersweet H. Firewood I. All of the above J. Other
Minnesota First Detectors New and Emerging Invasive Forest Pests
Minnesota First Detectors Meaning of “Invasive” Non-native Cause harm Native species ≠ invasive Polydrusus spp. Steve Katovich USDA Forest Serivce Jeff Hahn, University of Minnesota Emerald ash borer Bronze birch borer Steve Katovich USDA Forest Serivce
Minnesota First Detectors Meaning of “New and Emerging” New = not present Emerging = present but not widely distributed Established = widely present
Minnesota First Detectors Minnesota Forest Pest First Detector Becoming a…
Minnesota First Detectors Requirements Complete the on-line modules Agree to the criteria, standards and expectations Fill out and sign the First Detector Confidentiality Form
Minnesota First Detectors NPDN National Plant Diagnostic Network Goals Quickly detect and identify pests and pathogens of concern Immediately report detections First detection in state & county
Minnesota First Detectors First Detector Volunteer Requirements Have a working address Complete online training modules Four NPDN modules 1 Minnesota module Attend a workshop Agree to the criteria, standards and expectations First Detectors Fill out and sign the First Detector Confidentiality Form You only need to do these things one time.
Minnesota First Detectors On-line Modules NPDN Modules Mission of the NPDN Monitoring for High-Risks Pests Diagnosing Plant Problems Submitting Diagnostic Samples Minnesota Module Minnesota Invasive Species Management pest-first-detector/
Minnesota First Detectors Activities - Detection First Detectors NEVER announce pest! Sample Management
Minnesota First Detectors How Does It Work? Someone observes a suspect pest Report to ‘Arrest the Pest’ Telephone: MDA collects information from observer MDA determines if more information is needed to verify yes or no MDA contacts a local First Detector First Detector contacts the observer
Minnesota First Detectors Responsibilities of the First Detector Volunteer Contact the observer and collect more information Conduct a site visit if warranted or pass on to MDA to conduct site visit Collect samples or pictures if convenient, or pass on information for MDA to collect sample. Document observer contacts and any site visits in First Detector reports to the MDA
Minnesota First Detectors Working with the Public Have the citizen review the appropriate checklist First Detectors do not have authority to enter private property without permission Being a First Detector is voluntary
Minnesota First Detectors Site Visits 1. Contact the owner 2. Homeowner present for visit 3. Get permission to look, pick-up or take 4. Explain the First Detector Program 5. Explain your responsibilities & limitations 6. Be polite, courteous and respectful 7. Report back to homeowner if you didn’t answer the question during the visit
Minnesota First Detectors Working with the Public First Detectors do not have authority to enter private property without permission Even if the First Detector suspects it is one of the target pests, he or she can not confirm that with the observer – must pass on to MDA to confirm If positive, MDA will follow up with observer Being a First Detector is a volunteer activity
Minnesota First Detectors Handling Samples Wood or bark Handle like it contains pest Secure so an emerging adult could not escape Double bag & Keep it cool Insects Sealable crush-proof container Store in a cool place (freezer) Digital pictures preferred! to
Minnesota First Detectors Good Digital Photos In focus Have object for scale Well lighted Different parts/views of the plant/insect: Flower, stem, leaf, fruit, or seedhead Whole plant or insect
Minnesota First Detectors Bad Digital Photos Too Dim Too Vague Too Blurry
Minnesota First Detectors First Detectors Cumulative Total:
Minnesota First Detectors First Detector Program Awards Awards: NPDN Teamwork Award – APHIS NPDN Distinguished Team - U of MN Extension's Dean Award Innovation & Technology – MANREP Excellence in Natural Resources Programming – MANREP Innovative Programs Silver Award (National) – ANREP Outstanding Team Silver Award (National) – ANREP Professional Presentations/Publications: New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science (publication) Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals MN Society of American Foresters MN/WI Invasive Species Conference EAB Research & Development Meeting Society of American Forests National Convention
Minnesota First Detectors Confidentiality Form
Minnesota First Detectors Questions?