Affect the productivity and reproduction of a plant – Can even destroy the plant Animals – Deer, skunks, armadillos, raccoons, rabbits, rats Diseases: An organism that reacts with its environment to cause abnormality – Environmental – Nutrient deficiencies – Pollution – Weather Plant Pests
Abiotic: Noninfectious diseases Biotic: Infectious and transmittable diseases caused by pathogens – Pathogen: Disease causing organism Bacteria Fungi Viruses Diseases
A class of arthropods with segmented bodies and legs, exoskeleton, two antennae, and compound eyes – Over 800,00 species in the world – Less than 1,000 are plant pests – Less than 100 are problems for turf and ornamental plants Some, like lady bugs and praying mantis, eat harmful insects Insects
Worm-like creatures that live in the soil Do not have segmented bodies or appendages – 2,000 of the species are plant parasites Ecto-parasitic Endo-parasitic Semi-endo-parasitic Nematodes
A weed is any plant that is growing where it should not They force the desired plant to compete for: – Light – Water – Nutrients – Space Foster insects and disease Take away from the appearance of a landscape Weeds
Biological – Using living organisms as predators Cultural – Management techniques to limit the presence or severity of pests Mechanical – Traps, temperature extremes, hand removal, cultivation Genetic – Uses biotechnology to manipulate pest’s genes Chemical – Pesticides Controlling Pests
Pesticide Labels Includes the pesticide’s: Name Ingredient list Directions for use Statement of practical treatment Precautionary Statements
The PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE): – Long-sleeve shirt and pants or overalls – Rubber boots – Hair pulled back and in a cap or hat – Rubber gloves – Goggles – Respirator or oxygen mask – Rubber bands over the cuff of pants and boots Pesticide Application
Limit pesticide purchase to the amount needed for a single growing season Never store near flammable materials, food, medicine, or cleaning supplies Mark with purchase date When disposing DO NOT contaminate: – Water supplies – Ground – Air Storage and Disposal
Best management practices (BMPs): use research and knowledge and apply them to pest management Integrated pest management (IPM): Goal is to maintain high quality plants with the least amount of environmental damage Integrated Pest Management
Action Thresholds – Level of pest control needed based on pest populations and environmental conditions Identify and Monitor Pests – Look at the pest and host Prevention – Keep pests from being a threat Control – Evaluate all possible measures: mechanical, biological, chemical Integrated Pest Management