*GODWIN Vikings Intro The period of North Germanic expansion, lasted from the earliest recorded raids in the 790s until the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, is commonly called the Viking Age.
How did the Vikings travel so far from their homelands? Image http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/vikings/invasion/index.shtml
The Viking Longboat www.internet-at-work.com/.../viking/eg_viking_11.html
The Viking Longboat dragon ship 2 men per oar tall mast square sail shields provided protection Image from http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/CITE/v_drakkar.htm
Fearsome Figureheads figureheads, often fierce animals, were used to frighten enemies they were on both the front and back of the longboat Image from http://www.loreandsaga.free-online.co.uk/html/ships.html Copyright Statement All materials on this site have been created by or for Gary Waidson. Permission is granted for non-profit use by teachers in schools for educational purposes only. All other rights are reserved. If you wish to use these materials in any other way you should contact me for permission first.
Constructing the Longboat sturdy yet flexible from 28 to 70 metres overlapped oak boards with animal fur to keep it waterproof planks called ‘ribs’ inside to give strength Image from http://www.loreandsaga.free-online.co.uk/html/ships.html Copyright Statement All materials on this site have been created by or for Gary Waidson. Permission is granted for non-profit use by teachers in schools for educational purposes only. All other rights are reserved. If you wish to use these materials in any other way you should contact me for permission first.
*The skinny… Scandinavian: Norway and Sweden Farmers and fishermen Greenland/Iceland Mysterious peaceful but hopeless life Legend has it that the Vikings found Iceland and LOVED it, to keep others from taking over or coming to visit, they named it “Iceland” which is pronounced IS-land in Norweigen. Though it IS icy, it also has volcanoes and is known as the land of fire and ice. They named Greenland the way they did to make it more appealing. -we don’t know much about what their culture was like in their villages BUT we do know that they worshipped gods who eventually die, hopeless life-more on mythology later in ppt
*Bad boys for life- Quick, efficient ships Blitz krieg style raid Show me the $$$ Paying off the bad guys Blitz krieg: when Vikings would overtake a town, they would dock the ship, invade-loot, rape, pillage and plunder and be back OUT of the city in about 15 minutes. The local officials had almost no time to react. Churches were the first place most Vikings went because that was where the wealth was found at this time. ALSO: in order to prevent invasions, locals began to pay the Vikings a lump sum to keep them away…
“Viking” ladies? The word “Viking” refers to the men who were warriors, but not the women. Women in Viking society kept the children and the home much like in other societies at the time.
What if god was one of us? Odin: chief of gods. Overthrew the giants to create the world. Wife is Frigg (aka: Freya). Sacred animal is the raven. One-eyed. Will eventually die… Wednesday is named after his German name. Odin, like Zeus, overthrew their creators to make the world. (Odin fashioned the world from the remains of the giant Ymir). Odin has one eye because he exchanged the other for wisdom.
… Loki: god of mischief, gives humans “gifts” like fire. All the gods will die eventually because Loki will lead the giants against the gods. Ragnorak Loki gives humans gifts to create trouble and to help-fire and the fishing net for example. Ragnorak is the day all the gods will die.
… Thor: god of war. Son of Odin. Often shown with his hammer. Popular with the lower, warrior class. Second in importance only to his father.
… Freya/Frigg: Odin’s wife-blonde hair, blue eyes, Friday is named after her. Asgard: where gods live… When you die, you all go to the Underworld. No rewards for good behavior…
Famous Vikings Erik the Red: banished from Iceland for murder, sailed west and discovered Greenland. Explored for 3 years. Returned to Iceland and led a settlement group back to Greenland. His wife is Christian.
Leif Eriksson: Erik’s son Leif Eriksson: Erik’s son. Lived in Iceland, supposed to convert Greenland to Christianity but blown off course-found North America instead.
Where are they now? Vikings eventually convert to Christianity. They welcomed the idea of Jesus because he was a human sacrifice for the souls of everyone else. Vikings were familiar with this kind of trade due to their “gift giving” belief system…