Anglo Saxon Lecture
Anglo Saxon England ( ) I. Early Inhabitants (Henge people, Celts/Britons) II. Roman Dominance III. The Anglo-Saxons a. Invasion (449 A.D.) b. Civilization 1. Characteristics of the people 2. Worship of pagan gods 3. Conversion to Christianity (597 A.D.) 4. Language 5. Literature a. Beowulf and epic b. Elegiac lyrics c. Riddles d. Bede e. Caedmon f. Danish Invasion (859 A.D.) IV. King Alfred the Great ( )
The story of England is a story of a series of invasions and a cultural revolution.
Stonehenge – Henge people-449A.D.
Stonehenge: Origin Religious Rituals? Religious Rituals? Calendar? Calendar?
Celtic Tribes Celts/Britons Chieftains - ruled these fierce people
Religion Druids-priests- wisdom & learning Druids-priests- wisdom & learning Human Sacrifice Human Sacrifice Cannibals- Archeological evidence- large bones with knife marks showing muscle has been cut from the bone Cannibals- Archeological evidence- large bones with knife marks showing muscle has been cut from the bone
Celts Cont. Settled agriculture Settled agriculture Used money Used money Political unity Political unity Superior caste of learned men and women- Women leaders; could inherit property and divorce their husbands. Superior caste of learned men and women- Women leaders; could inherit property and divorce their husbands.
Roman Invasion Roman Leader – EmperorClaudius (43 A.D. ) Roman Leader – EmperorClaudius (43 A.D. ) Queen Boudicca – Celtic Queen- led army of 100,000 against Roman invaders. She & her daughters committed suicide. Queen Boudicca – Celtic Queen- led army of 100,000 against Roman invaders. She & her daughters committed suicide. Statue of Boudicca Statue of Boudicca
Roman Invasion & Civilization Built roads & forts Built roads & forts Built baths & elegant buildings Built baths & elegant buildings Brought Christianity and coins to Celts Brought Christianity and coins to Celts
Roman Civilization Roman baths in Bath, England
Emperor Hadrian's Wall Defense against the invading Picts - Scotland tattooed and painted blue
Fall of Roman Empire * Rise of the Anglo-Saxons Fall of Roman Empire * Rise of the Anglo-Saxons 410 AD Romans withdraw 410 AD Romans withdraw Celts vulnerable to attack Celts vulnerable to attack Vortigern – hired Germanic Vortigern – hired Germanic mercenary troops, but he didn’t mercenary troops, but he didn’t pay them, so they invaded! pay them, so they invaded! Angles- Denmark. Saxons- Germany. Jutes- Juteland
Anglo Saxons
Legend of King Arthur Nennius Celtic “dux bellorum” Arturius
Anglo Saxon People Ruled 600 years ‘England’ from Angle-land ‘England’ from Angle-land Fierce, warrior society Fierce, warrior society Loyal toTribe & Leader Loyal toTribe & Leader Comitatus- never leave their leader. Fight to death. Comitatus- never leave their leader. Fight to death. Rewarded with treasure Rewarded with treasure Fame and glory in battle Fame and glory in battle Materialistic Materialistic
Sutton Hoo Burial Ship- weapons found
Sutton Hoo Helmet
Materialism Cont.
From Pagan to Christian Pagan virtues: honor, courage in battle; fame Pagan virtues: honor, courage in battle; fame Life moved from “battle to feast and feast to battle” Life moved from “battle to feast and feast to battle” Conversion to Christianity- 597 A.D. Conversion to Christianity- 597 A.D. Augustine- Archbishop Canterbury Augustine- Archbishop Canterbury Monasteries- centers of culture Monasteries- centers of culture More peaceful & unified-Heaven/Hell More peaceful & unified-Heaven/Hell LITERATURE: OLD English words : Sister/brother, wind/star, night/day, he/she Literature reflects the SEA and BATTLES.
Epic Poem: Beowulf Epic Hero- Composed 750 A.D.
Anglo Saxon Literature Epic Epic Elegiac lyrics- Elegiac lyrics- express sorrow express sorrow Scops- very valuable b/c Scops- very valuable b/c they made warriors famous they made warriors famous Riddles tested cleverness of audience
Christian Writers Monks: scribes- put Christian virtues in pagan stories Monks: scribes- put Christian virtues in pagan stories Venerable Bede Venerable Bede History of the English Church and People History of the English Church and People The Father of English History The Father of English History Caedmon: 1 st English Poet Caedmon: 1 st English Poet
King Alfred The Great Vikings invaded in 9 th century- brought pagan gods, destroyed monasteries. Alfred the Great of Wessex fought the Vikings; ruled for 50 yrs.
Alfred the Great Cont. Built a navy Built a navy Translated literature Translated literature Promoted learning Promoted learning Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 1066 Battle of Hastings Battle of Hastings - end of Anglo-Saxon, Old English period. end of Anglo-Saxon, Old English period. “When Angles and Saxons came hither from the East, Sought Britain over the broad-spreading sea, Haughty war – smiths overcame the Britons, Valiant earls got for themselves a home.” from the Anglo Saxon Chronicle “When Angles and Saxons came hither from the East, Sought Britain over the broad-spreading sea, Haughty war – smiths overcame the Britons, Valiant earls got for themselves a home.” from the Anglo Saxon Chronicle