Decolonization India and Egypt Before the end of the 19 th C. Western-educated groups were organizing nationalist associations to make their opinions heard. India (Europe’s most important colonial possession) produced patterns that were followed all over the colonial world. Key themes throughout Charismatic leaders Reliance on nonviolent tactics.
India Indian National Congress formed in 1885, from regional urban political associations. Initial British support. Willing to learn the opinions of educated Indians. Organization loyal to leaders but lacked mass base, interested in elite issues. Indians started to develop a common identity.
Mass movement End of 19C. Many dissatisfactions with British rule. Businesspeople were angered by the favoritism given to British interests and products. Indian army used to advance British concerns throughout the world. British officials receive high salaries. Peasants were pushed into the production of cash crops at the expense of food production. Landlessness, disease and poverty widespread.
Militant Nationalism United national movement was hindered by the differing concerns of Hindus and Muslims. BG Tilak thought nationalism should be built to favor the Hindu majority. He demanded boycotts of British goods and threatening violence. First leader with a mass following. He alienated Muslims, moderate Hindus, and other religious groups. Moreley-Minot reforms of Expansion of opportunities for Indians to elect and serve.
Egyptian Nationalism Resistance to the British grew among urban business and professional families. British often utilized harsh techniques against protesters. By 1913, the British recognized the rising nationalism by granting a constitution and an indirectly elected parliament.
Gandhi India supports Britain in WW I although it hurts them. Moderate politicians were frustrated by Britain’s refusal to honor promises of self-government. Montage-reforms of 1919 increased powers of Indian legislators at National levels. Roulette Act of 1919 offset these reforms by restricting key civil rights. Gandhi combined knowledge of the British with the attributes of the Indian holy man and was able to win followers among all classes.
Gandhi Gandhi stressed nonviolent, but aggressive, protest tactics to weaken British control without provoking reprisal. Too much of a Hindu leader to win the support of all Indians.
Political Fragmentation Muslims founded their own Muslim league. Threat to the unified movement. Gandhi tried to bring the Muslim and other minorities into the nationalist mainstream. Campaign against Roulette act. Impossible to control the participants in mass disobedience. Gandhi was arrested and imprisoned. Salt March in British finally bowed by passing the Government of India Act in 1935.