VIVA 16 TH ANNUAL USERS GROUP MEETING October 25, 2012 Virginia Library Association Williamsburg, VA John Ulmschneider, VCU, VIVA Outreach Committee Chair Kathy Perry, VIVA Director
Agenda Welcome and VIVA Update: Kathy Perry, VIVA Director Vendor Introductions Panel Session: Exceptions to Every Rule: Managing the Ongoing Migration to e-Books and Streaming Media Karim Khan, Loudoun County Public Libraries Elizabeth Kocevar-Weidinger, Longwood University Terry Metz, Washington and Lee University Diane Smith, George Mason University Moderated by John Ulmschneider, VCU University Librarian and Chair of the VIVA Outreach Committee
VIVA Update
VIVA, Arlington Campus Library, Founders Hall George Mason University, MS 1D Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA We’re moving to Arlington!
VIVA Budget Update
VIVA Budgets from All Sources
Estimated VIVA Budget from All Sources, FY2013
VIVA Expenditures
Updates on Committee Work
VIVA’s Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map CUSTOMER Deliver Value Equitably Maximize Access FINANCIAL Maximize Resources Demonstrate Value Fund for the Present & the Future PROCESS Strengthen Communication Nurture Engagement Ensure Efficient & Effective Operations LEARNING & GROWTH Build Staff Capabilities Explore Wider Vision Optimize VIVA Culture
Steering Committee Gene Damon, Chairperson Retreat Action Items Organization Committee Scholarly Publishing and Respository Services Universal Borrowing Collection Analysis Video Preservation Cooperative Cataloging
Outreach Committee John Ulmschneider, Chairperson Completed new brochure: Delivering VALUE: Equitably, Cooperatively, and Cost-Effectively Working on a long-term review of VIVA communications and publicity Reviewing the VIVA website with an eye toward streamlining the communications
Resource Sharing Committee Ralph Alberico, Chairperson 14 th VIVA Community Interlibrary Loan Forum Successful loading of the VIVA holdings shared by all of the public institutions into the OCLC WorldCat Knowledge Base Upcoming development of training materials for the OCLC WCKB and Direct Request for Articles service
Balanced Scorecard Project: ILL Turnaround Times, Preliminary Results Based on stats received from five of the six doctoral institutions from the period of February to April 2012, a total of over 10,000 books and articles Goal had been under 48 hours Threshold
2012 Interlibrary Lending Among VIVA Members
VIVA Interlibrary Loans to Other VIVA Members, FY Over 1.8 million books and articles shared!
Resources for Users Committee Sharon Gasser, Chairperson Cancellation of American Journal of Psychiatry as of December 31, 2012 Expiration of the MLA contract (July 1, 2013) and a new RFP committee established for this resource Review of APANet Review of Oxford Reference Online in 2013 E-books, e-books, e-books!
Update on Cost Sharing Public Institutions: Mergent and IEEE cost sharing formulas are being analyzed for FY14 Private Institutions: Mergent, Oxford Reference Online, and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses are moving to Private Pooled Funds
E-books Overview General Assembly allocated new funds in each year of the upcoming biennium (FY’s 2013 and 2014). The intent for this new base funding includes e- books, particularly STEM-H (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and Health) titles. A cooperative cataloging subcommittee has been tasked with developing protocols to help members work working with records from these e-book initiatives.
RFI: Academic E-book Packages VIVA conducted a Request for Information for Academic E- Books with a response deadline of February 22, RFI Committee Tara Cassidy (VCCS), Chair Erin Crane (Liberty University) Anna Creech (University of Richmond) Dawn Dawson (University of Virginia) Elizabeth Kocevar-Weidinger (Longwood University) Meg Manahan (George Mason University) Ex Officio: Amanda Echterling (JMU Procurement) Kathy Perry (VIVA) The RFI Committee completed a survey of VIVA institutions about their current spending practices related to e-books and their interest in e-book products.
RFI: Academic E-book Packages VIVA was looking for: 1) competitive pricing, 2) less restrictive DRM, 3) unlimited simultaneous use, and 4) ability to continue ILL. Negotiations are underway for packages from two vendors: Elsevier: E-book frontlist collection for 2013 (~650 titles) Springer: Four subject collections for 2013: Behavioral Science (~85 titles), Biomedical and Life Science (~560 titles), Computer Science (~1,100 titles), and Earth and Environmental Science (~285 titles).
RFP: Demand Driven Acquisitions for E-Books VIVA conducted a Request for Proposal for Demand Driven Acquisitions for E-Books with a response deadline of September 27, RFP Committee Cheri J Duncan (James Madison University), Chair Alison Armstrong (Radford University) Tara Cassidy (VCCS) Anna L Creech (University of Richmond) Dawn Dawson (University of Virginia) O'Brien, Leslie (Virginia Tech) Suzy Szasz Palmer (Longwood University) Ex Officio: Amanda Echterling (JMU Procurement) Kathy Perry (VIVA)
RFP: Demand Driven Acquisitions for E-Books TodayNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruary The RFP Committee met this morning to review the responses and determine finalists. November 13 th : One day Vendor Fair at Virginia Commonwealth University November 14 th : Evaluation form is due from VIVA members December 6 th : Recommendation goes to the Steering Committee February 20 th : Tentative start date for the DDA program January 15 th : Tentative Award date
VIVA Full-Text Downloads FY03 – FY12
Notable Usage Trends: OVID LWW
Notable Usage Trends: Safari
Vendor Introductions APA: Neil Lader Bowker: Randy Boecker EBSCO: Ann Murdock Gale: Kate Vincent IEEE: Joe Vaitkus OCLC: Christine Kirby OUP: Jenifer Maloney ProQuest: John Baudassi and Kim Robinson
Exceptions to Every Rule: Managing the Ongoing Migration to e-Books and Streaming Media Terry Metz University Librarian Washington and Lee University Karim Khan Branch Manager, Rust Library Loudoun County Public Libraries Elizabeth Kocevar- Weidinger Instruction/Reference Services Librarian Longwood University Diane Smith Associate University Librarian for Research and Education Services George Mason University Moderated by John Ulmschneider University Librarian, Virginia Commonwealth University and Chair of the VIVA Outreach Committee
Panelist Presentations To Karim’s Presentation To Liz’s Website To Terry’s Presentation To Diane’s Presentation To John’s Presentation