Anthony F. DiMarco, M.D. Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilition Case Western Reserve University, MetroHealth Medical Center Cleveland, Ohio, USA
You take a breath about 20,000 times a day (~ 12 breaths per minute) We breath about 500 ml/breath We breath 10,000 liters or 2500 gallons/day We breath in over a billion small particles a day (1,000,000,000) Facts About Breathing
Exhaust from Motor Vehicles Emissions from Chemical Factories Non-Chemical Industries Waste Re-cycling Smoking Amount of pollution in steadily increasing every minute of every day Sources of Air Pollution
sulfur dioxide nitrogen dioxide nitric oxide carbon monoxide particulates photochemical oxidants ozone toxic metals Pollutants
Short Term Cough Shortness of breath Wheezing Acute Bronchitis Reversible reductions in lung function Air Pollution Respiratory Health Effects
Long-term Asthma Chronic Bronchitis Irreversible reductions in lung function Emphysema Increased susceptibility to infection Air Pollution Respiratory Health Effects
Air Pollution
Preventing and Reducing Air Pollution Clean Air Act and Amendments National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
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