57 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Chapter 4 Social Development in Infancy and Childhood
58 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Socialization The Family Environment o Membership in Family Groups: Variations in Family Structure o Positive Family Functioning o Macro Systems, Families, and the Pursuit of Social and Economic Justice o The Dynamics of Family Systems EP: a 2.1.8a 2.1.7a 2.1.8a 2.1.7b 2.1.7b
59 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing The Application of Systems Theory Principles to Families o SystemsEntropy o Homeostasis Negative Entropy o SubsystemsEquifinality o BoundariesDifferentiation o Input o Output o Feedback EP: a 2.1.7a 2.1.7b 2.1.7b
60 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing The Family Life Cycle o Diverse Perspectives on the Family Life Cycle Stage 1: Leaving Home: Emerging Young Adults Stage 2: Joining of Families Through Marriage/Union Stage 3: Families with Young Children Stage 4: Families with Adolescents Stage 5: Launching Children and Moving on at Midlife EP: a 2.1.7a 2.1.4c 2.1.7a 2.1.4c 2.1.7b 2.1.5a 2.1.7b 2.1.5a
61 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Stage 6: Families in Late Middle Age Stage 7: Families Nearing the End of Life Additional Issues Affecting Multiple Phases of the Family Life Cycle Single Adults Immigration Status EP: a 2.1.7a 2.1.4c 2.1.7a 2.1.4c 2.1.7b 2.1.5a 2.1.7b 2.1.5a
62 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Learning Theory o Critical Thinking: Evaluation of Theory o Respondent Conditioning o Modeling o Operant Conditioning o The ABCs of Behavior EP: a 2.1.7a 2.1.6b 2.1.7a 2.1.6b 2.1.7b 2.1.7b
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©2013 Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing 64
65 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing o Reinforcement Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement o Punishment o Extinction EP: a 2.1.7a 2.1.7b 2.1.7b
©2013 Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing 66
67 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing o Suggestions for Using Positive Reinforcement Quality of Positive Reinforcement Immediacy of Positive Reinforcement Frequency of Positive Reinforcement Shaping Behavior EP: b 2.1.7a g 2.1.7a g 2.1.7b j 2.1.7b j
68 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Applications of Learning Theory to Practice o The Use of Positive Reinforcement o Types of Positive Reinforcers o Secondary Reinforcers Material Reinforcers and Nonfood Consumables Activities Social Reinforcers Tokens o Reinforcers Versus Rewards EP: b 2.1.7a g 2.1.7a g 2.1.7b j 2.1.7b j
69 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing o The Use of Punishment Potential Negative Consequences The Nature of Punishment The Effectiveness of Punishment Suggestions for Using Punishment EP: b 2.1.7a g 2.1.7a g 2.1.7b j 2.1.7b j
70 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Additional Issues o Accidental Training o Behaviorally Specific Terminology o Measuring Improvement o The Importance of Parental Attention EP: c 2.1.7a m 2.1.7a m 2.1.7b 2.1.7b
71 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing A Specific Treatment Situation: Time- out from Reinforcement o Improving Effectiveness o Grounding EP: b 2.1.7a 2.1.7a 2.1.7b 2.1.7b
72 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Impacts of Common Life Events on Children o Membership in Family Systems o Cultural Context and Parenting Style o Ethnic and Cultural Differences in Families: Empowerment Through Appreciation of Strengths Hispanic Families Native American Families Asian American Families EP: e 2.1.7a 2.1.4c 2.1.7a 2.1.4c 2.1.7b 2.1.4d 2.1.7b 2.1.4d e e
73 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing o Membership in Sibling Subsystems The Coming of a New Baby Sibling Interaction The Effects of Birth Order, Family Size, and Family Spacing o Gender-Role Socialization EP: a 2.1.7a 2.1.7b 2.1.7b
74 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing The Social Environment: Peers, Television, and School o The Social Aspects of Play With Peers Play and Interaction Social Play Gender Differences in Play The Peer Group and Popularity EP: a 2.1.7a 2.1.4c 2.1.7a 2.1.4c 2.1.7b 2.1.7b
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76 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing o The Influence of Television and Other Media Bullying o The School Environment The Teacher’s Impact Effective School Environments Educational Programming That Responds to Cultural Values Race, Ethnicity, and Schools EP: a 2.1.7a 2.1.4c 2.1.7a 2.1.4c 2.1.7b 2.1.7b
77 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Child Maltreatment o Incidence of Child Maltreatment o Physical Child Abuse Diverse Cultural Contexts: Discipline or Abuse? Characteristics of Physically Abused Victims EP: a 2.1.7a a 2.1.7a a 2.1.7b 2.1.1e 2.1.7b 2.1.1e 2.1.4c 2.1.4d 2.1.4c 2.1.4d
78 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Characteristics of Abusers Need for Personal Support and Nurturance Social Isolation Communication and Relationship Difficulties Poor Parenting Skills Poor General Coping Skills Extreme External Stress and Life Crises EP: a 2.1.7a 2.1.7b 2.1.7b
79 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing o Child Neglect Characteristics of Neglected Children Characteristics of Neglectful Parents o Psychological Maltreatment Characteristics of Psychologically Maltreated Children Characteristics of Perpetrators EP: a 2.1.7a 2.1.7b 2.1.7b
80 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing o A Macro-System Response: Child Protective Services o Treatment of Physical Abuse, Neglect, and Psychological Maltreatment: Social Work Role o A Macro-System Response: Involvement of the Courts EP: c 2.1.7a d 2.1.7a d 2.1.7b e 2.1.7b e h i h i j j
81 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing o Sexual Abuse The Dynamics of Child Sexual Abuse The Internet and Sexual Abuse Predators Characteristics of Sexual Abuse Victims Long-Term Effects of Sexual Abuse Suggestions for Talking to Children Victimized by Sexual Assault EP: a 2.1.7a 2.1.7a 2.1.7b 2.1.7b
82 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Treatment of Sexual Abuse: Social Work Role Prevention of Sexual Abuse: The Need for a Macro-System Response Educating Children About Sexual Abuse EP: c 2.1.7a j 2.1.7a j 2.1.7b i 2.1.7b i 2.1.8a 2.1.8a