English VIP Class Field Trip Dimsum & Zhuhai Art Gallery
Entering Dimsum & the Zhuhai Art Gallery
We learned to play UNO while waiting for Dimsum! Playing UNO!
Mary, Anna, Cathy, Mark, Ben & Sean playing UNO WHILE JACKSON PLAYS PSP!
Cathy’s a blur! She’s too fast to see!
Cleaning Up After Dimsum Ben proclaims victory over lunch
Group Photo and Playing Around After Dimsum
A Soup-pot & a Couple More Group Photos
Cathy & Her Camera, some Animals, and Mary!
The Zhuhai Art Museum
Cathy & Anna 1st Floor; local artists pictures 2nd Floor; paintings and featured artists. Inside the Art Gallery
1st Floor Local Artist Drawings
Some Local Pottery
Entering the Art Gallery
Inside the Art Gallery
The Girls playing Rock, Paper, Scissors
The Students Favorite Pieces of Art
English VIP Class Group Photo GROUP PHOTO!