EXT430 – Domestic Commodity Bidding
1.Vendor Procurement Process Overview 2.Access Bid Invitations (Solicitations) on the Public Procurement Documents Page 3.Submit a Vendor Response (Offer/Quote) 4.Edit a Vendor Response After Submission 5.Offer Variants for Pricing (Substitutions, Multi-Stop, Domestic Offshore) Course Lesson Objectives
Lesson Objectives Recognize the basic end-to-end steps associated with the Procurement Process Define new key terms Lesson 1: Vendor Procurement Process Overview
Farmers/ Producers US Freight Carriers MARAD US Ports Commodity Suppliers Schools (27,000 school dists, 94,000 schools) Indian Tribal Orgs (92 ordering agencies) Non-Profits (60 ordering agencies) Domestic Foreign World Food Organization Foreign Governments (70 Nations) Private Volunteer Organizations (30+) BUY DISTRIBUTE/ SHIP RECEIVEPRODUCE FNS FAS USAID Warehouse AMS FSA Multi Agency Environment Integrating processes and technology across the five U.S. agencies responsible for planning, procuring, managing, and delivering commodities and food supplies domestically and around the world… WBSCM Business Scope
WBSCM Term FAR TermOld Term Sales Order (FUL)/ Purchase Requisition/ External Requirement (PRO) Procurement Request Delivery Order or Commodity Request Bid Invitation (Solicitation) Solicitation/Invitation Amendment Purchase Order (Contract) Contract Order Bid Response (Offer) Bid Open Offer / Quote Bid Opening FAR Terms
TermDefinition Material Master Central repository of materials USDA procures Commodity Standard food commodities that USDA purchases Freight Corresponding freight item for each commodity (international & Domestic Offshore only) Service Service related item such as Vessel Loading Observation, warehousing, storage fees, grading services, etc Non-standard Commodity Materials used primarily for emergencies such as baby formula, bottled water that USDA does not typically purchase Long Procurement Number (LPN) AGAR Document Number System Bid Submission Date & Time Date & time chosen by a USDA agency in which all Vendor Responses (Offers/Quotes) must be received Key Terms
Domestic Commodity Bidding
Domestic Commodity Bidding (Cont’d)
Lesson 1: Self-Assessment
1. The first step in the Domestic Commodity Bidding process is: A. USDA publishes bid invitation B. Vendor response C. Vendor views from public procurement documents page 2. T/F: The winning Vendor(s) receive a Domestic Commodity Award A. True B. False Lesson 1: Self-Assessment Questions
Lesson Objectives Recognize Bid Invitation (Solicitation) Notifications Display Public Procurement Documents via Supplier Self Service (SUS) Display Domestic Commodity Bid Invitations (Solicitations) in the Supplier Self Service (SUS) application Lesson 2: Accessing Bid Invitations on the Public Procurement Page
Public Procurement Documents Page
When the Bid Invitation (Solicitation) is created, the system will generate a Long Procurement Number (LPN) to identify the solicitation: – For example: AG - 3J14 - S S = Solicitation P = Purchase Order C = Contract (IDIQ) D = Delivery/Task Order 3J14 Livestock 3J15 Poultry 3J16 F & V INTB IPD Bulk INTP IPD Packaged INTE IPD Empty Bag INTG IPD General INTS IPD Services INTF IPD Freight DPRO DPD FAR DCCC Price Support Long Procurement Number
AG - 3J14 - S – P0001 Long Procurement Number – Bid Amendments
Public Procurement Documents Page
Bid Invitation (Solicitation) Output Preview
Auto Playback Tutorial: watch the simulation with no user input required Public Procurement Documents Page Simulation
Standard Tutorial: guide yourself through the simulation by clicking on certain areas when prompted Public Procurement Documents Page Simulation
Lesson 2: Self-Assessment
1. Bid Invitations (Solicitations) are published to _______. A. Public Procurement Documents Page in WBSCM B. The Vendor’s website Home page C Which of the following is False? A. Bid Invitations (Solicitations) are available for viewing as soon as they are created B. Vendors can receive Bid Invitation (Solicitation) notices. C. Vendors can see only those Bid Invitations (Solicitations) for products they are approved to supply. Lesson 2: Self-Assessment Questions
Lesson Objectives Create a Vendor Response (Offer/Quote) Prepare Multiple Offers Manage Vendor Constraints Lesson 3: Submit a vendor Response (Offer/Quote)
Domestic Commodity Bidding
Find Bid Invitation
Enter Offers
Display Dom Commodity Inv.
Process Bid
Display Dom Commodity Inv.
Find Value
Process Bid
Find Value
Process Bid
Process Bid – Item Data
Display Bid
Offers Screen
Offer Screen
Display Dom Commodity Inv.
Process Bid
Display Dom Commodity Inv.
Find Value
Process Bid
Find Value
Process Bid
Process Bid – Item Data
Process Bid – Item Data (Cont’d)
Display Bid
Offers Screen
Constraints Screen
Constraints Details Screen
Constraints Screen
Constraints Details Screen
Constraints Screen
Offer Screen
Vendor Response Screen
Vendor Response Screen (Cont’d)
Auto Playback Tutorial: watch the simulation with no user input required Vendor Response (Offer/Quote) Simulation
Standard Tutorial: guide yourself through the simulation by clicking on certain areas when prompted Vendor Response (Offer/Quote) Simulation
Lesson 3: Self-Assessment
1. When a Bid Invitation (Solicitation) contains multiple Line Items, _________. A. The Vendor can respond to all or a portion of the Line Items. B. Must provide Constraints for every Line Item. C. Can submit only one Offer per Line Item. 2. Which one of the following is true? A. You can have multiple Constraints, but not multiple Offers. B. If there are no Constraints for the entire Response, the Vendor can use the No Constraints button. C. The USDA can create a Vendor Response (Offer/Quote) for the Vendor by Proxy. But, only the Vendor can enter Constraints. Lesson 3: Self-Assessment Questions
Lesson Objectives Edit a Vendor Offer After Submission Create an additional Response based on an existing one Lesson 4: Edit a Vendor Response After Submission
Vendor Responses
Find Bid Invitation
Vendor Responses
Display Dom Commodity Inv.
Process Bid
Display Dom Commodity Inv.
Display Dom Commodity Inv.
Display Dom Commodity Inv.
Process Bid – Item Data
Vendor Response
Auto Playback Tutorial: watch the simulation with no user input required Edit a Vendor Response After Submission Simulation
Standard Tutorial: guide yourself through the simulation by clicking on certain areas when prompted Edit a Vendor Response After Submission Simulation
Lesson 4: Self-Assessment
1. When a new Vendor Response (Offer/Quote) is submitted, what happens to the original Vendor Response (Offer/Quote) that was submitted first? A. The original is archived and ignored by BEOS. B. It is still active until an is sent from the Vendor to the USDA stating otherwise. C. The original and the new Vendor Response (Offer/Quote) is evaluated by BEOS. 2. Which one of the following is true? A. You can have multiple Responses, but not multiple Offers. B. When an Offer is copied, the Shipping Point and Plant are copied as well. C. Constraints cannot be copied. Lesson 4: Self-Assessment Questions
Lesson Objectives Substitutes Multi-Stop Domestic Offshore Lesson 5: Offer Variants for Pricing
Substitutions Domestic Offshore Freight Multi-Stop Pricing Variants
Process Bid - Substitutions
Process Bid – Substitutions
Process Bid – Domestic Offshore
Process Bid – Overview of Conditions
Process Bid – Overview of Conditions
Auto Playback Tutorial: watch the simulation with no user input required Offer Variants for Pricing Simulations
Standard Tutorial: guide yourself through the simulation by clicking on certain areas when prompted Offer Variants for Pricing Simulations
Lesson 5: Self-Assessment
1. When entering prices for a Multi-Stop __________ A. Prices for all stops must be entered and the prices must be the same. B. The Vendor can offer pricing just for certain stops and not others. C. The Vendor can offer different prices for each stop. 2. Which one of the following is true? A. Domestic Offshore pricing must include a quote to the end destination. B. The Offer can include pricing for more than one Load Port. C. The Load Port is usually quoted at a higher price than the end destination. Lesson 5: Self-Assessment Questions
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