Background information for Oedipus Rex The Riddle of the Sphinx
The Sphinx had been terrorizing Thebes for many days. Sphinx – half woman and half lion She crouched by a precipice (cliff) near the highway and posed the same mysterious question to every passer-by. No one had ever been able to answer and no one lived to warn other men of the riddle. The Sphinx fell upon every one as he failed and hurled him down the abyss to be dashed to pieces. One day a man is traveling toward Thebes named Oedipus. He comes face to face with the Sphinx who speaks the riddle that none had been able to guess.
Riddle: “What animal is that which in morning goes on four feet, at noon on two, and in evening upon three?”
Answer: MAN Explanation: … morning goes on four feet …at noon on two feet …in the evening upon three …in childhood creeps on hands & feet …in manhood he walk erect …in old age he needs a staff
Result: The Sphinx uttered a cry and sprang from the rock into the abyss and perished. Oedipus told the Thebans their torment was gone. The people hailed him as a deliverer. Oedipus became King of Thebes and was married to the widowed queen, Jocasta.
The plague: Oedipus lived in peace for years as king. He is a good and caring king to his people. A great pestilence and famine falls over the city of Thebes. In distress the people turn to their king for answers. Oedipus informs them he has already sent his brother-in-law, Creon, to speak to the Oracle at Delphi. Creon returns with an important message from the oracle. Homework : Read & take notes on Oedipus Rex pp.1-6.
Homework Questions: Why are the people of Thebes suffering? What does their king do in hopes to find answers? Who is sent to find these answers? Relation to Oedipus? What is the purpose of visiting the Oracle? Whose oracle is it? What must be done for the plague to leave Thebes? Were there any survivors during the murder? What does Oedipus promise to do?