Using Assets with Dashboards A Guide
About this Guide This guide shows how to create, export, and load a dashboard that requires an asset This guide uses the Oracle DB Audit dashboard as an illustrative example Covered in this Guide: o Adding and using assets o Adding a component that requires an asset o Adding a dashboard that requires an asset
Oracle DB Audit Dashboard Uses the “Oracle Database Server” asset (available in the SecurityCenter app store feed) to identify all Oracle DB servers on the network Uses results of Nessus scans performed using Oracle DB audit policies (available for download from the Tenable Customer Support Portal) Details of this will not be covered in this guide
Oracle DB Audit Dashboard
Adding and Using Assets
Adding an Asset To add an asset from the SecurityCenter app store feed, within SecurityCenter select Support > Assets Click the “Add” button Select the desired asset and click “Add It Now” Click the “Finished” button
Using an Asset in a Dashboard Component Edit a component by clicking the drop menu arrow on the top right of the component and selecting “Edit Component” Click the “Edit Filters” button (If a new component, click the “Click to Add Filters” button) Under Target Filters, select the desired asset Click the “Apply Filters” button Click the “Submit” button to finish editing the component
Exporting a Dashboard that Requires Assets If exporting a dashboard that contains components that require assets, make sure that the Export Method is set to “Replace With Placeholders”
Assets and Components Adding a component that requires an asset
Does the Component Require an Asset? To determine if a component from the SecurityCenter app store feed requires an asset, click on the component…
Does the Component Require an Asset? …and look for an “asset” requirement in the component details
Adding a Component that Requires an Asset Select the desired component that requires an asset and click “Add It Now” “Add It Now” will change to “Configure Now” for about 10 seconds before the component is actually added to the dashboard
Adding a Component that Requires an Asset If the component that requires an asset is not configured, the add will fail!
Adding a Component that Requires an Asset Click “Configure Now”…
Adding a Component that Requires an Asset …and select the desired asset Click the “Save” button Click the “Finished” button to add the component
Assets and Dashboards Adding a dashboard that requires an asset
Does the Dashboard Require an Asset? Note: This process is the same as for determining if a component requires an asset To determine if a dashboard from the SecurityCenter app store feed requires an asset, click on the dashboard…
Does the Dashboard Require an Asset? …and look for an “asset” requirement in the collection details Note: An asset requirement on a dashboard means that one or more of the components on the dashboard require the asset
Adding a Dashboard that Requires an Asset Note: This process is the same as for adding a component that requires an asset Select the desired dashboard that requires an asset and click “Add It Now” “Add It Now” will change to “Configure Now” for about 10 seconds before the dashboard is added
Adding a Dashboard that Requires an Asset If the dashboard that requires an asset is not configured, the dashboard will still be added, but those components that require the asset will fail to load! Note: The error reflects the first component that failed to load
Adding a Dashboard that Requires an Asset Click “Configure Now”…
Adding a Dashboard that Requires an Asset …and select the desired asset Click the “Save” button Click the “Finished” button to add the component
Importing a Dashboard that Requires Assets After a dashboard is imported, any component that requires an asset will show an error and will not display correct data until the proper asset is set The asset must be set individually for each component, as described previously
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