1940’s-Rhythm and Blues 1950’s-Rock and Roll 1960’s- Soul 1970’s-Funk & Disco 1980’s-Rap &Jazz
S.H.S.M. Application Process December and January Sign up in Guidance 2. February Pick Up S.H.S.M. Course Selection Instructions and Pathway Charts (see Co-op NOTE) 4. March Pick up and submit a S.H.S.M. application 5. April and May S.H.S.M. Interviews (see Co-op NOTE) 3. February Course Selections using Career Cruising Pick Up Pathway Chart in Guidance Due Friday March 23, 2012 All S.H.S.M. candidate s will be notified in June Open to all Grade 10 & 11 students Co-op NOTE Separate interviews for students applying for Co-op next year
Attention all university applicants! The OUAC has processed your first semester final marks. Please log in to your online application and review your academic information to ensure that it is accurate.
CO - OP Applying for Co-op next year? Please make sure to pick up a co-op application package from the co-op office. Application forms are due back to the co-op office before March Break !
Peer Tutors Any students in grade 11 or 12 interested in being a Peer Tutor in English, Math or Science pick up an application in Guidance. Peer Tutors earn community service hours by volunteering their time during their spares, lunch or after school.
Congratulations Stephanie Speers and Christie Jamieson for competing at the Canadian National Synchronized Skating championships in Windsor this past weekend. Stephanie and Christie’s team won a Silver Medal and missed the Gold by half a point! Well done ladies!
Grade 12: Euclid ($14) Wednesday April 11, 2012 Room 108 Periods A and B - Money Due: Mar. 2 Invite Only: Fryer, Galois, Hypatia ($8) Thursday April 12, 2012 Room 108 Period A Money Due: Mar. 2 - Continued… Math Contests
Find Sample Questions at; _contests.html Want to sign up? See Mr. Liska in room 239 An announcement will be made when results are in.
Students writing the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test on Thursday March 29: Additional literacy support will be available When: Monday February 27 to Thursday March 1 at the beginning of Period D (12:10-12:30). Stop by outside of the Guidance Office where we can answer your questions and provide you with sample test booklets.
JR BOYS RUGBY Come out TODAY and THURSDAY this week after school in the gym for the last 2 open practices See you there !