Digital citizenship Afaf AL Aker 9E
Acces Everyone uses the internet for many things, jobs, schools, malls, etc. Only of the 195 in the world have internet access of the 195 In countries that do not have the internet and other technologies available, children's education is suffering, uneducated people and societies are also suffering. The solution? an inexpensive, solar charged laptop!
Communication cellular phones, chat rooms, social networks, blogs, micro blogging, and are all ways of communicationcellular phoneschat roomssocial networks blogsmicro blogging One of the problems that has emerged is that some of the older generations do not know how to use some of the technology that the younger generations know how to use. One solution is for their sons and daughters, even cousins teach them how to use it. Also they could take a course on the internet.
Literacy.Digital Literacy is the ability to understand and use technology in appropriate ways as well as the ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and create information using digital technology"Digital Literacyinformationdigital technology" The simple solution is to warn digital citizens about the dangers of posting personal information and thoughts online All computer users should be aware of the correct way to use the internet correct
Security and safety The main issue is privacy. If you look at Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter you can see how much information people will give out on the Internet MyspaceFacebookTwitter Cyberbullying is a problem You can easily get anti viruses put on your computer. If you don't know how call someone near you who works with computers and they will show you how.anti viruses
Etiquette Digital etiquette or netiquette can be defined as how one should act onlinenetiquette Many problems arise from the lack of netiquette from individuals or a whole group such as: - Identity theft - Hacking - Cyberbullying - Invasion of privacy - Destruction towards other computers Here are some solutions: - Parental control - Disabling inappropriate words - Site owners, should be keeping their sites under control
Rights and responsibilities You have a wide range of Rights and Responsibility on the internet. Your Rights on the internet consist of you being able to do whatever you want to do whenever you want too.Rights Responsibility Some of the problems of the internet are people not Respecting there rights and responsibilities. An example of this is Cyber bullyingRespecting The things that you need to do in order is stop, block, and tellstop, block, and tell
Law Law is important,even on the internet!Law is the electronic responsibility for actions which says if something is ethical or unethical. Digital law has both a positive and negative impact on people as individuals and communities as a whole. Digital Law sets laws to ensure safety and security online, and to protect peoples rights We may deal with this by knowing what and what not to do on the internet
Health and Wellness Digital health and wellness means being safe on the Internet mentally and physically physically There has been a lot of controversy about texting while driving. Even some states in the U.S. have put laws over DWT ( Driving While Texting). A lot of the states have force punishmentscontroversylawspunishments
Commerce Digital commerce is simple enough to understand: money, and cites that deal with money A large share of market economy is being done electronically. Electronic commerce enhances a costumer's access to buying and selling goods, which makes it more likely for illegal actions to take place.