Welcome to Back To School Night 2015
A Little About Mrs. Bartus Grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Graduated from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania with dual certification in Special Education and Elementary Education Graduated from The College of New Jersey with a Master’s of Education in Special Education Fourteenth year teaching
Expectations of Students To develop organizational and listening skills To enhance appropriate study habits To inspire independence in thinking and behavior To expand time management skills To inspire appropriate questioning for help when needed To provide a firm, fair, and friendly atmosphere which is conducive to the learning experience To prepare fourth graders for future success in school
Classroom Practices Friday Folder- Goes home every Friday with signed work. Please sign and return assignments. Healthy snacks can be brought in daily Sign out log for leaving the classroom Rewards for following directions
Assignments are: Due upon student arrival to classroom Required to include name on the assignment Checked for accuracy, completion, & effort Given Monday-Thursday and occasionally on Friday Will be about 50 minutes or less a night, not including study time for assessments On occasion work that is not completed in class will be assigned for homework Recorded nightly on Genesis *Homework Room is mandatory if assignments are not satisfactorily completed and not turned in on time. Homework Policy
Students are assigned to the Homework Room for an entire recess period if they do not complete a homework assignment. If there is no recess on the day the homework is missed (e.g. early dismissal days) the student will then report to the Homework Room the next recess day. Students need to make up the missed assignment that during homework room or night, or they will be assigned to Homework Room the next day as well. Homework Policy
Rules, Rewards & Consequences
RULES Be respectful and kind Listen while others are talking Raise you hand Make good decisions Have fun and be safe CONSEQUENCES 1. Verbal Warning 2. Loss of privilege 3. Parent Notification 4. Visit To Principal REWARDS 1.Individual and Group 2. Verbal praise 3.Tickets/ homework passes
Language Arts
Based on a balanced literacy program: Reader’s Workshop: Read Alouds: Teachers models reading for enjoyment, fluency, expression… Shared Reading: Teachers model reading skills Guided Reading: Teachers conduct small reading groups which reinforce skills Grammar, Vocabulary: The student will receive weekly lessons on these topics Word of the Day Word Study: Differentiated lists are used based on a spelling inventory Novels: The students will read various novels throughout the year and learn how to have discussions about books Students read for 15 minutes nightly to practice the strategies taught in class, write a summary, and answer a nightly question based on what they’ve read. Language Arts
Writer’s Workshop
Writer’s Workshop is an interdisciplinary writing technique which can build students’ fluency in writing through continuous, repeated exposure to the process of writing. The students will write the following pieces: Narrative, Expository, Personal and Persuasive Essay, Memoir, Non- fiction Writing, Comparative Essay, and Research Based Argument. They will learn the writing process at length and will publish several writing pieces. In combination with nightly reading, students write 4 nights a week for about 15 minutes to build writing endurance and reading comprehension.
Welcome to Mrs. Bartus’s Math Class
Math Math Expressions Common Core This program provides a mastery approach to teaching math Math Expressions incorporates real world math experiences through the computation of word problems IXL Reflex Math Emphasis on basic math fact fluency
Math Math Expressions Common Core Unit 1 Addition and Subtraction with Fractions Unit 2 Addition and Subtraction with decimals Unit 3 Multiplication ad Division with Fractions Unit 4 Multiplication with Whole Numbers and Decimals Unit 5 Division with Whole Numbers and Decimals Unit 6 Operations and Word Problems Unit 7 Algebra, Patterns, and Coordinate Graphs Unit 8 Measurements and Geometry
More Information You can find interactive activities on the website to assist you and your child. All students have an IXL account to help build concept fluency. Students are strongly encouraged to always practice multiplication and division facts!
Communication Julie Bartus Ext It is important that we keep an open line of communication!
Thank you for visiting!