Digital Citizenship Mrs. Campbell Fifth Grade Collins Elementary School
What is Digital Citizenship? ► Digital citizenship is the appropriate, responsible behavior we apply when we use technology. ► It is our moral compass we should apply in all we are doing. The Three S’s!!!!!! Show Maturity Show Responsibility Show Understanding
Need to Know Vocabulary ► Netiquette ► Copyright ► Fair Use ► Plagiarism ► Internet Safety: Identity theft Reputation management Passwords Cyberbullying Cyberstalking
Netiquette ► An set of rules that helps us to know appropriate behavior while using the internet, sending an , or posting a message on a forum, discussion board, or blog. ► It is the common courtesy we should give while using technology.
Copyright ► Copyright is a form of protection given to the author of a piece of work so only he/she has the right to: Make copies/distribute copies Perform or display publicly Make ‘derivative works’ ► The symbol to show a piece of work is copyrighted is a c with a circle around it. Can you find that symbol in the classroom?
Fair Use ► Fair use allows us to use parts of copyrighted material without the owner’s permission: ► Educational reasons ► Comments ► News reporting ► Research *Remember, if in doubt, you should check with your teacher to insure you understand! **Fair use still requires you to cite your work on your reference page!
Plagiarism ► Plagiarism is stealing someone else's work and trying to pass it off as your own work!
Internet Safety ► The precautions we take while using the internet to make sure our personal information and our computer stay safe … so YOU are safe!!
Reputation Management ► Steps you take to keep your reputation safe. ► If you plan ahead, you will keep your reputation from being tarnished, and you will not have to spend all your time trying to polish it!
Identity Theft ► When someone steals your personal information and uses it without your permission.
Passwords ► A password is your way of keeping your personal information locked! ► Make sure you create a password that is difficult to guess. ► Outside of your parents, you should always keep your password private.
Cyberbullying ► Sending cruel or bullying messages online, through texting, on blogs, etc. ► Being a bully is never OK!
Cyberstalking ► The use of technology ( , text, blog, etc.) to harass or to stalk another person.
Become a Diligent Digital Citizen!
► A DDC always uses computer courtesy. Please remember to be respectful and courteous of others online. ► A DDC uses emoticons when writing so your emotions and intentions are always clear.
► A DDC always keeps it short and brief. ► A DDC never uses all CAPS. Remember, shouting is rude behavior.
► A DDC never uses improper, inappropriate, or bad language. ► A DDC thinks before he/she posts. Remember, if you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, you shouldn’t post it.
► A DDC always keeps personal information private. ► A DDC never steals! Always apply copyright laws to all you do!
► A DDC helps newcomers. Did someone help you when you first started learning? ► A DDC never participates in cyberbullying or cyberstalking. Treat others as you would want to be treated!
Let’s watch! ► -Chat-Room-Ethics.aspx -Chat-Room-Ethics.aspx -Chat-Room-Ethics.aspx ► -Cyberbullying-and-Harassment.aspx -Cyberbullying-and-Harassment.aspx -Cyberbullying-and-Harassment.aspx ► -Privacy,-Cyberstalking-and- Harassment.aspx -Privacy,-Cyberstalking-and- Harassment.aspx -Privacy,-Cyberstalking-and- Harassment.aspx ► --Four-Tough-Decisions.aspx --Four-Tough-Decisions.aspx --Four-Tough-Decisions.aspx
Your Assignment: 1. View my glogster page on plagiarism 2. Choose one of the following vocabulary words: ► Netiquette ► Copyright ► Fair Use ► Plagiarism ► Internet Safety: Identity theft Reputation management Passwords Cyberbullying Cyberstalking 3. Complete a glogster of your own. Make sure you follow the instructions page provided for you in the computer lab.
References ► ► Nine themes of digital citizenship. (n.d.) Retrieved from ► Online safety. (n.d.) Retrieved from ► Part 1: Chat Room Ethics video Part 2: Cyberbullying and Harassment video 1--Chat-Room-Ethics.aspx 1--Chat-Room-Ethics.aspxhttp:// 1--Chat-Room-Ethics.aspx ► Part 2: Cyberbullying and Harassment video Harassment.aspx Harassment.aspxhttp:// Harassment.aspx ► Part 3: Privacy, Cyberstalking, and Harassment video Priv Cyberstalking-and-Harassment.aspx Cyberstalking-and-Harassment.aspxhttp:// Cyberstalking-and-Harassment.aspx ► Part 4: Four Tough Decisions ► Shoemaker-Galloway, (2007). Proper manners are as important online as they are offline. Follow these 10 simple Netiquette guidelines for a fun and safe online experience. Retrieved from guidelines-a guidelines-a26615 guidelines-a26615 ► Superhero image. Retrieved from ► Thief image. Retrieved from NXHSR8kz_jrRPM:&imgrefurl= content/uploads/2012/08/Thief.jpg&w=280&h=273&ei=NMNLUO63GYmk9AS4jYGQCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=380&v py=129&dur=244&hovh=218&hovw=224&tx=114&ty=130&sig= &page=1&tbnh=121&tbnw =124&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:78 NXHSR8kz_jrRPM:&imgrefurl= content/uploads/2012/08/Thief.jpg&w=280&h=273&ei=NMNLUO63GYmk9AS4jYGQCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=380&v py=129&dur=244&hovh=218&hovw=224&tx=114&ty=130&sig= &page=1&tbnh=121&tbnw =124&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:78 NXHSR8kz_jrRPM:&imgrefurl= content/uploads/2012/08/Thief.jpg&w=280&h=273&ei=NMNLUO63GYmk9AS4jYGQCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=380&v py=129&dur=244&hovh=218&hovw=224&tx=114&ty=130&sig= &page=1&tbnh=121&tbnw =124&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:78