Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety Being a good citizen is just as important in the digital world as it is in the “real world.”
What is “Digital Citizenship?” Digital Citizenship is a student’s responsibility to know how to use technology-and use it appropriately.
Why is Internet Safety important? 8-18 year olds devote an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes daily to using electronic devices Bullying has evolved to social networks in the form of cyberbullying In addition to cyberbullying, identity theft is also a constant concern in today’s world Posted information on the Internet is researched by future employers
Parent Resources (Step 1) Grand Island Central School District Homepage
Parent Resources (Step 2) Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship Resources This link provides Web Sites and documents that promote Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship
Please consider… Monitoring your child’s online activities closely Knowing all of your child’s user names and passwords Monitoring the text messages sent by your student Placing computers in visible areas of your home or apartment
Citations Donovan, Lori, and Kathy Lehman. "Internet Safety and High School Students: What Do They Know and What Do They Need to Know?." Library Media Connection. (2011): Print. "Education Terms to Know." Scholastic Parent & Child (2011): 12. Print. Gray, Cheyenne. "Internet Safety and Teens Today." Library Media Connection. (2011): Print. "NCSA’s National K-12 Studies." National Cyber Security Alliance. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jun Ribble, Mike, and Gerald Bailey. Digital Citizenship in Schools. Washington, D.C.: International Society for Technology in Education, Print.