Digital Citizenship Terms & Behavior about Technology created by Samira Ali
Digital Etiquette Etiquette: Prescribed behavior Digital: having to do with electronics Digital Etiquette: Prescribed behavior with electronics
Digital Communication Electronic ways to send or exchange information Examples are: Texting, cell phones, IM, etc.
Digital Education The process of teaching and learning through technology and about it Examples would be: e-books, online tests, research, etc.
Digital Access Anyone can use technology, no matter who they are. (gender, race, ethnicity, age, and physical or mental challenges)
Digital Commerce Buying and selling electronically over the internet
Digital Responsibility Taking responsibility for the deeds and actions you do electronically.
Digital Rights Digital freedom for everyone in a community
Digital Safety Free from digital danger, and protected from digital harm….also physically
Digital Security Taking important steps to protect oneself for digital safety Such as: not sharing passwords, addresses, and personal info.