Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? By: Ysenia and Kiana
Question 1
Which one of these is a theme of digital citizenship? A Digital buying B Digital Phishing C Digital Commerce D Digital Scams
Which one of these is a theme of digital citizenship? A Digital Buying B Digital Phishing C Digital Commerce D Digital Scams
Question 2
What is an example of Plagiarism? A Cyber bullying B Online Scams C Copy write D Apple
What is an example of Plagiarism A Cyber bullying B Online Scams C Copy write D Apple
Question 3
What is Phishing A To catch a fish B Phony s, texts, etc. C Real s, texts, etc. D Buying Fish
What is Phishing A To catch a fish B Phony s, texts, etc. C Real s, texts, etc. D Buying Fish
Question 4
What is two way communication? A Digital Media B Media C Digital Law D Computer
What is two way communication? A Digital Media B Media C Digital Law D Computer
Question 5
What Information do Identity Thieves Need? A Teachers Name B Pets Name C Name of School D Full Name
What Information do Identity Thieves Need? A Teachers Name B Pets Name C Name of School D Full Name
Question 6
To Cite a Source You… A First word in the article B Your name C The website address D Last word in the article
To Cite a Source You… A First word in the article B Your name C The website address D Last word in the article
Question 7
What is an example of digital health and wellness? A selling illegal videos online B exercising and eating healthy foods C never using electronics D carpel tunnel syndrome
What is an example of digital health and wellness? A selling illegal videos online B exercising and eating healthy foods C never using electronics D carpel tunnel syndrome
Question 8
A comment that says, “You have ugly hair.” What is that considered? A Cyber Bullying B A bad hair do C Digital Piracy D Being nice
A comment that says, “You have ugly hair.” What is that considered? A Cyber Bullying B A bad hair do C Digital Piracy D Being nice
Question 9
You’re on Facebook and someone you don’t really know starts to flirt and is acting inappropriately with you, what do u do? A You block them B You flirt back C You ask where they live, to meet them D Change the subject
You’re on Facebook and someone you don’t really know starts to flirt and is acting inappropriately with you, what do u do? A You block them B You flirt back C You ask where they live, to meet them D Change the subject
Question 10
Teaching people about the internet is… A Digital Limit B Digital Literacy C Digital Teach D Digital Learn
Teaching people about the internet is… A Digital Limit B Digital Literacy C Digital Teach D Digital Learn