River Vale Board of Education Budget Presentation March 5, 2013
River Vale Board of Education Lorraine Waldes - President Steven Rosini - Vice President Sheryl Eaton William Ellis David Moon Michael Shirey Dr. Andrew Spector Matthew J. Murphy, Ed. D. - Superintendent of Schools Kelly L. Ippolito - Business Administrator/Board Secretary
River Vale Budget Goals Create a budget that is reflective of River Vale’s Commitment to Excellence. Create a budget that is respectful to our community. Create a budget that maintains our commitment to a rigorous cycle of curriculum review and renewal.
Snapshot of Goals Implement new digital citizenship curricula K-8 Revise K-2 Mathematics, K-8 Language Arts Literacy, Gifted and Talented, Social Studies 6-8, Instructional Media, and Visual Arts Curricula Provide enhanced staff development on Balanced Literacy and Mathematics common core standards and curriculum Implement benchmark assessments for Mathematics in grades 2, 5 and 7 Expand GoogleDocs to students and staff Creation of leveled classroom libraries Greater access to technology (60 document camera bundles, 180 computers purchased, etc.)
Budget Development Time Line September 2011Budget data collection begins December 2011 – March 1, 2012 CSA, BA, & BOE Finance Committee develops budget based on 2% CAP February 21, 2012Governor Budget Address to NJ Legislature February 23, 2012State Aid Figures Released March 6, 2012BOE approves tentative budget March 27, 2012Formal hearing on budget
River Vale is Highly Efficient Per Pupil Spending: Of 27 K-8 Districts in Bergen, River Vale has the 7 th lowest per pupil cost! Administrative Costs: River Vale is below regional administrative costs. Cost Efficiencies/Sharing Services: The River Vale Public School District is a leader in the area of shared services by participating: with other local public school districts for curriculum revision, Special Education services, transportation, staff development and training, etc.; in a cooperative gas purchasing program through the Township of River Vale; in a lease with the Township to have all district fields maintained by the Township; in Bergen County Banking Consortium to secure favorable interest rates; in Northeast School Board Insurance Group to secure best rates Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting: Nine consecutive years!
Facility Upgrades Roberge Annex Renovated three second floor bathrooms making them accessible for the disabled Renovated Board Conference Room Roberge School New gym roof and relocation of unsightly duct work New clock system installed Repaired 121 screens Woodside School Relocated two preschool program classrooms from Roberge Annex Replaced 135 screens Installed new clock system Painted approximately 2/3 of hallways Holdrum Middle School Repaired 140 screens Painted ceilings and walls in room 76 and 78 New clock system installed Principal’s office painted
Major External Budget Challenges 1.State imposed MANDATES remain UNFUNDED 2. Special Education out of district tuition required additional services transportation costs 3. Health Benefits premium increase in the state plan 4. Minimal State Aid River Vale received a net of $389,924 or 1.83% of total budget
Financial Responsibility Discretionary spending was kept flat or decreased No budget waivers sought (although eligible) No staffing increase Spending kept under the “cap” Commitment to Excellence includes fiscal responsibility
Budgeted Revenue Budgeted Fund Balance255,377253,341 General Local Tax Levy18,917,36719,291,931 Tuition20,000 Miscellaneous89,913114,900 Jobs Ed Funding21,4950 State Aid (*)186,101440,455 Federal Grants286,311287,375 Debt Service Local Tax Levy964,550966,850 TOTAL20,741,11421,374,852 *SDA Debt Assessment $50,531
Advertised Appropriations BUDGET CATEGORY BUDGET PROPOSED BUDGET % INC/(DEC) Instruction$8,660,424$8,718,7661% Co-Curricular/Athletic Activities $ 100,002$ 103,9614% Special Education Tuition.$ 910,763$1,005,46710% Support Services$1,886,197$2,300,03222% Administration$5,369,312$5,376,0160% Operations and Maintenance of Plant $1,915,456$1,902,174-1%
Advertised Appropriations (Continued) BUDGET CATEGORY BUDGET PROPOSED BUDGET % INC/(DEC) Student Transportation$ 534,280$ 532,6800% Capital Outlay (*)$ 113,819$ 181,53159% Special Revenue$ 286,311$ 287,3750% Debt Services$ 964,550$ 966,8500% GRAND TOTAL$20,741,852$21,374, % * Includes mandated SDA Assessment of $50,531 in
Tax Levy Increase General Fund Tax Levy increased $543,600 or 2.5 % over previous Tax Levy $0.40/day$12.27/month$147.31/year TAX IMPACT
Your Budget Maintains… all current educational programming and staffing levels; small class sizes; full-day kindergarten; a commitment to a rigorous cycle of curriculum review and renewal; access to 21st-century technologies and facilities that maximize educational learning.,
Where can I get more information? Visit us at for the Budget Presentation and additional information. The Budget will be available at the following location: Board of Education Office: 609 Westwood Avenue the Superintendent at